5 Steps to a 5 AP English Language 2019

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Practice Exam 1 ❮ 189

  1. Which of the following ideas can be supported
    based on the third sentence (lines 9–12)
    beginning with “And when I.. .”?
    A. The speaker enjoys watching boats sailing
    on the horizon.
    B. The speaker wants to revel in the beauty
    and grace of nature.
    C. The speaker responds to the symmetry and
    balance of nature.
    D. The speaker realizes how vulnerable man is
    in the universe.
    E. The speaker is fearful of the earth and sea.

  2. All of the following contribute to the feeling of
    solitude except:
    A. “... the impassive earth had swallowed her
    up without an effort.. .”
    B. “a group of barren islets”
    C. “the grove surrounding the great Paknam
    D. “the monotonous sweep of the horizon”
    E. “ruins of stone walls, towers, and

  3. The passage is organized primarily by means of
    A. spatial description
    B. definition
    C. chronological order
    D. order of importance
    E. parallelism

  4. In the third to last sentence of the passage
    (lines 18–21) beginning with “Here and
    there . . . ,” the figure of speech used to
    describe “the windings of the great river” is
    A. personification
    B. simile
    C. apostrophe
    D. antithesis
    E. symbol
    52. The writer emphasizes his solitude by using all
    of the following rhetorical techniques except:
    A. heavy descriptive emphasis placed on
    B. overt statement of the absence of other
    C. tracking the departure of the tugboat
    D. diction that emphasizes desertion and
    E. contrasting the present situation with
    previous times
    53. A characteristic of the author’s style is
    A. succession of allusions
    B. the use of emotional language
    C. terse sentence structure
    D. vividness of contrasting images
    E. shifts in points of view
    54. The tone of the passage can best be described as
    A. cynical
    B. reflective
    C. sarcastic
    D. elegiac
    E. apathetic

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