5 Steps to a 5 AP English Language 2019

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

198 ❯ STEP 5. Build Your Test-Taking Confidence

  1. A. The answer is clearly supported in the
    last sentence of paragraph 4. That which is
    immediately practical and helpful in a very
    tangible way is the more valuable.

  2. D. Words, phrases used, and specific details
    given in this passage support the adjective
    “wistful” (paragraphs 3 and 4). She is obser-
    vant throughout the passage as she provides
    details of the child acquiring her stories. The
    writer’s wistfulness is reiterated in the last
    paragraph as she states her yearning for men to
    share in the language of storytelling.

  3. B. The only choice that presents two strategies
    actually present in the text is B. The entire
    passage employs exposition to support the
    author’s purpose. Even the final paragraph,
    which attempts to persuade, uses exposition to
    strengthen the appeal to have men welcomed
    into the language of storytelling. (If you are
    not crystal clear about the terminology used in
    the choices, this may be one of those questions
    you choose to skip, because it can be time
    consuming trying to determine the correct

  4. C. The abruptness of “Traditionally,”
    provides no real connection with the previous
    paragraph or the previous sentence. It is an
    obvious break that grabs the reader’s attention
    and leads him or her to Atwood’s point.

  5. E. Throughout the passage, Atwood is taking
    a close look at the beginnings of storytelling.
    Although she does attempt to persuade us of
    the need to encourage men to tell their stories,
    this is not the primary purpose of the piece.
    It is important to also notice that the title is a
    clue to this answer.

The Family Passage

  1. A. The entire passage is concerned with
    the concept of family in general, not just
    the Roman and pre-modern era family. The
    choices other than A all concern these.

  2. D. Through humor, exaggeration, common
    allusions, and rhetorical questions, the author
    invites the reader to join her family as a
    prelude to a scholarly examination of the roots
    of the word family.
    23. C. The footnote identifies a case that some
    readers may not be familiar with. No sources
    are cited or referenced. The footnote is strictly
    24. C. This is a vocabulary question that
    demands you know and can identify each of
    the terms. Knowing the definition of each can
    only lead you to choose C.
    25. E. Each piece of information provided in the
    passage is given in terms of defining what a
    family is.

  3. B. The first paragraph establishes the
    conversational tone with its lighthearted
    references. But, the author’s use of footnotes,
    direct quotations from experts, and historical
    references all indicate a scholarly presentation.

  4. B. If one closely reads the passage, the only
    location cited that has a family unit consisting
    of a mother, father, and children is Bologna in
    the thirteenth century.

  5. A. The word family does NOT have a
    universal definition. Each culture and
    time period defined it according to its own

  6. A. This footnote contains NO specifics that
    were gathered via observation and experience.
    There is no data from census, and so forth.

  7. D. Even though the reader can locate
    instances of choices C and E in both para-
    graphs, they are not responding to a probable
    reader-generated question. The parentheticals
    come immediately after a word or phrase that
    could raise questions from a reader.

  8. A. The comment separated only by commas
    leaves the reader unclear as to whom the
    personal communication refers: Dixon,
    Treggiari, or the author.

  9. E. Lines 24–25, 27–29, 43–44, and 56–57
    support choices A, B, C, and D.

The Emerson Passage

  1. A. If you go back to the next to last sentence
    of paragraph 2, you will see the phrase “the
    seer’s hour of vision.” Your knowledge of
    synonyms will lead you to choose A.

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