5 Steps to a 5 AP English Language 2019

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Practice Exam 1 ❮ 207



Stegner Passage—Student Sample A
Wallace Stegner writes in an essay, “Without any remaining wilderness we are

committed wholly, without chance for even momentary reflection and rest, to a headlong

drive into our technological termite-life, the Brave New World of a completely man-

controlled environment.” This excerpt attempts to convey that humankind is on a direct

path to a highly mechanical and technological world; one that is ideal in man’s quest

for scientific and technological dominance over nature. According to Stegner, man has

neglected to stop and smell the proverbial patch of roses. The idea that humankind

aims at ultimately dominating the earth with its technological advances can be tenable.

However, Stegner’s argument is fallacious because people DO pause to observe and


Humans have been in constant search of enlightenment in the world since time

immemorial. Like all other organisms, man tends to innovate in order to better

adapt to his natural surroundings. As time progresses, man develops more and better

ways to survive. From the days of the Enlightenment, to the Scientific Revolution, to

the Industrial Revolution, and to the computerized world of today, humankind has

persistently been pursuing ways to analyze and control his en vironment. During the

Mid-Range Essay

  • Correctly identifies Stegner’s position and attitude about the environment and wilderness

  • Understands the demands of the prompt

  • Clearly states the position of the writer

  • Presents a generally adequate argument that makes use of appropriate examples

  • Less well-developed than the high-range essay

  • Ideas clearly stated

  • A few lapses in diction or syntax

Low-Range Essay

  • Inadequate response to the prompt

  • Misunderstands, oversimplifies, or misrepresents Stegner’s position and attitude

  • Insufficient or inappropriate use of examples to develop the writer’s position

  • Lack of mature control of elements of essay writing
    This prompt posed some difficulties for students. Many had a tendency to address
    only one aspect of it: the loss of wilderness. Often, they did not adequately connect this to
    the Brave New World concept of a human-controlled environment. The stronger writers
    included references to and discussions of the “reflection and rest” in their essays. Many
    student writers opposed Stegner’s position by expanding on the concept of wilderness.
    Those who agreed with Stegner cited pertinent illustrations ranging from the rain forest to
    gasoline princes to overpopulation and the ozone layer. Contradictory and qualifying essays
    relied heavily on humankind’s “frontier spirit” and artistic endeavors.

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