5 Steps to a 5 AP English Language 2019

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Practice Exam 1 ❮ 209




Wallace Stegner wrote that, “Without any remaining wilderness we are committed

wholly, without chance for even momentary reflection and rest, to a headlong drive into

our technological termite-life, the Brave New World of a completely man- controlled

environment.” It seems that in writing this, Stegner expresses his concern for the receding

forests and other wilderness areas, along with the extinction of the species that populate

them. His concern is quite justified, for as we use our natural resources, we destroy those

species that we now share this planet with.

It has long been known that unlike the other species of the Earth, the one known

as Homo Sapiens does not adapt well to its environment. Instead, this species adapts the

environment to it, and the Devil take anything that stands in its way. Homo Sapiens

cannot bear the fierce winters of New England or the hot summers of the Caribbean,

so it chops down trees to build houses. It does this without the slightest concern for the

other species that call the forest home. Many terrible injuries have been dealt to the eco-

system of this planet because of the lack of concern Homo Sapiens has shown. Holes in

the ozone layer, which let terrible amounts of ultra-violet radiation bombard the earth.

The constant growth of the Sahara Desert, and the destruction of the rainforests are

painful examples of Homo Sapiens’ ignorance, painful not just to other species, but to

Homo Sapiens itself. It seems as though Homo Sapiens does not realize that when all

the trees are gone, there will be no oxygen left for anyone. Hopefully before that atrocity

is carried out, for it is almost sure that it will be, Homo Sapiens will figure out how to

adapt very quickly.

When Stegner wrote of a “completely man-controlled environment,” he is talking

of a world where our species has destroyed the wilderness or at least bent it totally to

our will. He writes of a world with cities, inhabited “termite-like” by reflective Homo

Sapiens, the size of which no one has ever seen, most likely with rampant air pollution.

Let us hope that we are not one day forced, as in “Lost in Space,” to seek out other

planets to live on because ours is taking its last breath. This is one possibility; Stegner

is warning us to change our ignorant ways before it is too late, and he certainly has the

right idea. For, if we don’t, we will have truly become exactly like our hated enemy, the


Stegner Passage—Student Sample B

Rating Student Sample A
This is a high-range essay for the following reasons:

  • Effectively covers the points made by Stegner in his statement

  • Clearly takes a position regarding Stegner’s statement

  • Thoroughly develops the argument with specific examples and historical references
    (paragraphs 2 and 3)

  • Indicates and discusses the fallacy of Stegner’s statement (paragraphs 4 and 5)

  • Good topic adherence

  • Thorough development of the points of the writer’s argument

  • Mature voice, diction, and syntax

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