5 Steps to a 5 AP English Language 2019

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

238 ❯ STEP 5. Build Your Test-Taking Confidence

  • Demonstrates control of language through diction and syntax

  • Recognizes the bias in source material

  • Adds to the argument by creating an analogous situation: the child testing the parents

  • Understands tone and intent

Rubrics for “Fog” Essays
High-Range Essay

  • Successfully identifies the purpose of each passage

  • Effectively compares the style of each passage

  • Refers to appropriate examples from each passage

  • Effectively analyzes devices such as diction, organization, syntax, and manipulation of
    language in a clear voice

  • Good connective tissue

  • Focused organization and development

  • Few, if any, flaws

Mid-Range Essay

  • Correctly identifies the purpose of each passage

  • Adequately compares the style of each passage

  • Uses specifics from each passage to analyze rhetorical devices

  • Adequately links examples to the analysis of the style and purpose of each passage

  • Less well-developed than the high-range essays

  • A few lapses in diction or syntax

Low-Range Essay

  • Inadequate response to the prompt

  • Misunderstands, oversimplifies, summarizes, or misrepresents the purpose and style of
    each passage

  • Insufficient or inappropriate use of examples to develop the demands of the prompt

  • Lack of adequate control of elements of essay writing

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