5 Steps to a 5 AP English Language 2019

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Practice Exam 2 ❮ 241

  • Provides specifics from each text to support the analysis (paragraph 1), (paragraph 3)

  • Clear transitions

  • Clear topic adherence

  • Obvious development lacking connections to insights resulting from a close reading of
    the texts

  • A few syntax and diction errors
    This mid-range essay is a concise, “bare-bones” presentation. Its strength lies in its clear
    focus and appropriateness of support. However, these citations are more like listings rather
    than serving as the foundation for discussions of their implications.

Rubrics for the Thoreau Passage
High-Range Essay

  • Correctly identifies Thoreau’s attitude about the value of advice given by elders

  • Effectively presents a position about Thoreau’s attitude

  • Clear writer’s voice

  • Successfully defends his or her position

  • Presents carefully reasoned arguments making reference to specific examples from per-
    sonal experience, knowledge, reading

  • Effectively manipulates language

  • Few, if any, syntactical errors

Mid-Range Essay

  • Correctly identifies Thoreau’s attitude about the value of advice given by elders

  • Understands the demands of the prompt

  • Clearly states the position of the writer

  • Presents a generally adequate argument which makes use of appropriate examples

  • Less well-developed than the high-range essay

  • Ideas clearly stated

  • A few lapses in diction or syntax

Low-Range Essay

  • Inadequate response to the prompt

  • Misunderstands, oversimplifies or misrepresents Thoreau’s attitude

  • Insufficient or inappropriate use of examples to develop the writer’s position

  • Lack of mature control of elements of essay writing
    This prompt presented students with the opportunity to sound off about their place in
    the pecking order. Interestingly enough, the majority of the student writers disagreed with
    Thoreau or, at least, qualified his remarks. Relatively few chose to speak about parental
    advice, but they were willing to admit the influence of teachers, scientists/explorers, and
    grandparents. Often the anecdotal material rambled and needed to be connected back to
    the ideas of Thoreau. However, even with these shortcomings, the majority of the students
    obviously found this excerpt and prompt to be easily accessible.


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