5 Steps to a 5 AP English Language 2019

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Practice Exam 2 ❮ 243



creed because he does not realize that older people once played through childhood, once

matured through puberty, and once became adults. If advice is needed, older people are

the best source.

It is common for teenagers to find interest in members of the opposite sex.

Occasionally, these young couples have trouble getting along. The relationship takes a turn

for the worst. Ready to console her teary-eyed granddaughter sits grandma. At age 70, she

has been happily married for nearly 45 years. Presenting her shoulder to her granddaughter

to cry on, the grandmother talks of her many high school and college relationships. For a

moment granddaughter pauses her crying to giggle at grandma’s silly stories, but in reality,

she is still faced with her own broken heart to deal with. After hours of bonding, the two

hug and smile. Grandma’s advice on men came from her own experiences. She’d never

thought that so many heartaches would ever do her any good. Pleased with life, a husband,

children, and grandchildren, this older woman would never worry about those past flings

again. But, when her devastated little grandbaby was hurt by a young man, she reached

back for those early love stories. She used her bad experiences to her granddaughter’s

advantage. She showed another woman that there will be plenty of men before “the one.”

Thoreau, on the other hand, would ask anyone rather than an elder for advice. His past

experiences led him to believe that he will never “hear the first syllable of valuable or even

earnest advice from [his] seniors.”

Everything happens for a reason. When people say things, there is a reason behind

them. No matter what life tosses at someone, it’s had to happen to someone before. If

someone has lived life for seventy years, they’ve got to have plenty of stories to share

about experiences life has shared with them. Henry David Thoreau is an unlucky man

for not seeing the beauty in the elderly. They are the most respectable people and give

superior advice because they have experienced it all. Older people are the buttress of life

today. Their actions shaped the way and set precedents for future generations. Older

people have lots to say, whether it be on teenage relationships or any topic. You name it,

they’ve lived it!

Rating Student Sample A
This is a high-range essay for the following reasons:

  • Clearly establishes a position regarding Thoreau’s assertion

  • Thoroughly develops the argument with hypothetical and literary

  • Good topic adherence

  • Excellent connective tissue

  • Thorough development of the argument that reveals a well-read

  • Mature voice, diction, and syntax

  • Indicative of a willingness to stretch with regard to manipulation
    of language (paragraph 3, sentence 1) and support for the writer’s
    position (paragraph 4)

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