5 Steps to a 5 AP English Language 2019

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

❮ 251

Selected Bibliography

The following is a select listing of both fiction and nonfiction writers, past and present,
whose works include: essays, news articles, novels, short stories, journals, biographies, his-
tories, autobiographies, diaries, satire, and political treatises. Each of these writers presents
ideas in original, thought-provoking, and enlightening ways. Our recommendation is that
you read as many and as much of them as you can. The more you read, discuss, and/or
analyze these writers and their work, the better prepared you will be for the AP English
Language and Composition exam. And, there is another wondrous benefit. You will
become much more aware of the marvelous world of ideas that surrounds you. We invite
you to accept our invitation to this complex universe.

Personal Writing: Journals, Autobiographies, Diaries

Maya Angelou Mary McCarthy
Annie Dillard Samuel Pepys
Frederick Douglass Richard Rodriguez
Lillian Hellman May Sarton
Helen Keller Richard Wright
Martin Luther King, Jr. Malcolm X
Maxine Hong Kingston

Biographies and Histories

Walter Jackson Bate Winston Churchill
James Boswell Shelby Foote
Thomas Carlyle George Trevelyan
Bruce Catton Barbara Tuchman

Journalists and Essayists

Joseph Addison Ellen Goodman
Michael Arlen Pauline Kael
Matthew Arnold Garrison Keillor
Francis Bacon John McPhee
Russell Baker N. Scott Momaday
Harold Bloom Anna Quindlen
G. K. Chesterton John Ruskin
Kenneth Clark Marjorie Sandor
Joan Didion Susan Sontag
Maureen Dowd Richard Steele
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