5 Steps to a 5 AP English Language 2019

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
How to Plan Your Time ❮ 9

You are a one-semester prep student (Approach B) if:

  1. You begin to plan for your vacation or the prom 4 to 5 months before the event.

  2. You are willing to plan ahead to feel comfortable in stressful situations, but are okay
    with skipping some details.

  3. You feel more comfortable when you know what to expect, but a surprise or two does
    not f loor you.

  4. You are always on time for appointments.

You are a 4- to 6-week prep student (Approach C) if:

  1. You accept or find a date for the prom a week before the big day.

  2. You work best under pressure and close deadlines.

  3. You feel very confident with the skills and background you’ve learned in your AP English
    Language and Composition class.

  4. You decided late in the year to take the exam.

  5. You like surprises.

  6. You feel okay if you arrive 10 to 15 minutes late for an appointment.

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