5 Steps to a 5 AP World History 2017 Edition 10th

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

7 . D The Mongols relied on China’s regional rulers to help provide an efficient administration.
Twice the Mongols failed in their attempt to invade Japan, while Vietnam came under Mongol
domination only briefly (A). Mongol culture placed women in a more dominant role than did the
Chinese (B). The Chinese civil service exam was not reinstated under Mongol rule (C).

8 . A Nomadic peoples frequently supplemented their diet by trading for the agricultural products
of settled peoples. Nomads also sometimes provided horses and camels for trading along
established routes. Nomadic influence ended with the invasion of Tamerlane (B). The nomadic
Mongols increased the volume of Eurasian trade (C), but they were not noted for their
administrative skills (D).

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