5 Steps to a 5 AP World History 2017 Edition 10th

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

about Western developments (Dutch learning ) and adopt those they considered appropriate to
Japanese goals.

Rapid Review

Western Europe developed models of both absolute and parliamentary monarchy as its advanced
technology strengthened its position as a world leader. Russia built a large empire whose rulers
continued repressive policies and a system of serfdom that perpetuated Russian backwardness begun
under Mongol rule. Spain and Portugal established empires in Mesoamerica and South America,
while England and France vied for colonial dominance in North America. The Ottoman Empire
conquered the Byzantine Empire, but by the early seventeenth century, could not keep up with Western
technological advances and was on a path of decline. Ming China and Tokugawa Japan displayed
varying responses to foreign influence. At the conclusion of the period, the Chinese pursued a policy
of isolation from foreigners, whereas Japan allowed limited Western influence in order to avail itself
of Western technology. Mughal India at first brought centralized government that softened relations
between Hindus and Muslims; then later it broke up into regional governments that created openings
for foreign intervention.

Review Questions

1 . Mercantilism
(A) brought long-term prosperity to Europe
(B) encouraged the importation of foreign goods
(C) supported free trade
(D) sparked further rivalries among European nations

2 . In the early eighteenth century, the political system where citizens enjoyed the greatest amount of
self-rule was
(A) Japan
(B) Russia
(C) France
(D) England

3 . Both the Russian Empire and Ming China
(A) became increasingly more traditional after the expulsion of the Mongols
(B) improved the position of women in the period 1450 to 1750
(C) established policies that were a reaction to the Mongol presence in central Asia
(D) cooperated with the established religions in their respective countries

4 . A comparison of the reactions of Japan and China to European influence in the period 1450 to
1750 shows that
(A) the Chinese persecuted Christian missionaries about the same time that the Japanese gave
them some acceptance
(B) Japan saw the need for knowledge of Western developments, but China did not

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