5 Steps to a 5 AP World History 2017 Edition 10th

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


World Trade


Summary: The manufactured goods of the industrialized West and the raw materials used to produce
them became a primary focus of world trade in the period between 1750 and 1900. In the Atlantic
world, trade largely revolved around the plantation system and the economic exploitation of the
newly independent nations of Latin America (see Chapter 23 ). Methods of extracting natural
resources from subject nations changed as railroads and roads were constructed to transport raw
materials from the interior of colonies to port areas for eventual transport to Europe. Instead of
small, independent farm plots owned and cultivated by native peoples, large plantations arose to
replace them. On these new agricultural units, native peoples of Africa, India, and Southeast Asia
produced crops necessary to the industrialized nations of Europe.

Key Terms


Monroe Doctrine
Opium War

Qing dynasty
spheres of influence
Suez Canal

Tanzimet reforms
Treaty of Nanking

Wahhabi rebellion
Young Turks

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