5 Steps to a 5 AP World History 2017 Edition 10th

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
(D)     indifference

5 . All of the following are true of communism after World War II EXCEPT that
(A) it produced a division in Korea
(B) Eastern European countries were subjected to Soviet occupation
(C) it spread to largely agricultural regions
(D) it created a pause in the civil war in China

6 . In contrast to the period following World War I, that following World War II
(A) did not produce a single defining peace treaty
(B) produced an international organization with fewer powers of enforcement
(C) saw immediate independence for Europe’s African colonies
(D) disregarded the Soviet war effort

7 . The nation that rose in power during World War I but declined in power during World War II
(A) Great Britain
(B) Japan
(C) Russia
(D) Ottoman Empire

8 . The nation that saw a consistent rise in global influence during both world wars was
(A) Germany
(B) China
(C) France
(D) United States

9 . The French Revolution of 1789 and the Chinese revolt of 1911 were alike in that
(A) they were initiated by the lower classes
(B) they were not Nationalist independence movements
(C) they ended immediately in dictatorship
(D) they failed to achieve their goals

10 . Both the Mexican revolts of 1821 and 1910
(A) were initially Creole-backed movements
(B) ended in the immediate establishment of a republic
(C) resulted in territorial losses within a few years after the revolt
(D) involved resistance to foreign influence

Answers and Explanations

1 . C The European nations possessed Asian and African colonies that participated in the war in
hopes of being granted independence. No World War I battles were fought in Australia or South
America (A). World War II was fought in both European and Pacific theaters (B), not World War I.
European dominance alone did not give the war its global status (D).

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