5 Steps to a 5 AP World History 2017 Edition 10th

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

outside the Soviet Union to Eastern Europe, China, Southeast Asia, North Korea, and Cuba.
After World War II, most colonial possessions gradually achieved their long-awaited
independence. Newly independent nations often aligned themselves with either the United States or the
Soviet Union. Other nations such as India, however, chose the independence of nonalignment. New
nations often experienced conflicts that continue to the present; the first Arab-Israeli war occurred
immediately after the establishment of the nation of Israel, and sub-Saharan Africa has experienced a
continuing history of ethnic strife.

Review Questions

1 . Which Communist leader is most often associated with purges against his rivals?
(A) Lenin
(B) Sun Yat-sen
(C) Mao Zedong
(D) Stalin

2 . An example of cold war brinkmanship is found in
(A) the Cuban Missile Crisis
(B) the Arab-Israeli War
(C) the Iran-Iraq War
(D) the Cultural Revolution

3 . The country that was most interested in keeping its colonies after World War II was
(A) Germany
(B) France
(C) Great Britain
(D) United States

4 . Lenin’s New Economic Policy
(A) established collective farming
(B) resulted in decreased agricultural production
(C) forbade the ownership of private property
(D) allowed some elements of capitalism

5 . The Communist ruler whose economic policies were most like those of Lenin was
(A) Mao Zedong
(B) Deng Xiaoping
(C) Joseph Stalin
(D) Jiang Jieshi

6 . Which of the following leaders would have agreed most with the policies of Benito Mussolini?
(A) Fidel Castro
(B) Nikita Khrushchev
(C) Juan Perón
(D) V. I. Lenin

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