5 Steps to a 5 AP World History 2017 Edition 10th

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

5 . Which of the following cultures has diffused most widely during the period 1914 to the present?
(A) Japanese
(B) Russian
(C) French
(D) U.S.

Answers and Explanations

1 . D Both Venezuela and Nigeria are OPEC members, making response (A) incorrect. OPEC
originated about 30 years before the European Union (B) and NAFTA (C).

2 . B The United States is a key exporter of films, whereas the other items listed are exports of
Taiwan, Japan, and Korea.

3 . B The imposition of protective tariffs in Europe and the United States during the Great
Depression slowed down trade throughout the world. The plantation economies were a better
example of the impact of global trade on regional trade (A). The impact of NAFTA is most
noticeable in North America (C), as was the anti-NAFTA protest in Chiapas (D).

4 . C Both NAFTA and the EU are regional trade organizations. Some European nations, such as
Britain, do not use the euro (A). Britain was not among the first members of the EU (B). The EU
adjusted tariffs for other world nations (D).

5 . D The current global culture is most heavily influenced by the United States.

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