5 Steps to a 5 AP World History 2017 Edition 10th

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
(B)     Free    elections
(C) An emphasis on the production of consumer goods
(D) An appreciation for Western styles in art

4 . Which of the following is true concerning the status of religion in the twentieth century?
(A) European church membership declined significantly.
(B) Catholicism gained a stronger hold in Latin America.
(C) The United States encouraged the Japanese to maintain the traditional status of Shintoism.
(D) Hindu traditions were abolished in India.

5 . Which of the following is true regarding the role of women in Communist China?
(A) Military service was limited to support roles.
(B) They were discouraged from working outside the home.
(C) Restrictive Confucian tradition was outlawed.
(D) They had fewer rights than under the Guomindang.

Answers and Explanations

1 . D The twentieth century ended with women’s suffrage granted in almost all nations. Most
societies still expected women to maintain their traditional roles (A). Although educational and
career opportunities for women increased (C) they were generally not as broad as those for men.
Most nations did not allow women in combat, with China and the Soviet Union notable exceptions

2 . C Picasso’s cubist paintings often featured African themes combined with the geometric designs
of the modern cubist style.

3 . A All have social security programs for the elderly, whereas the Soviet Union did not have free
elections (B), an emphasis on consumer goods (C), or an appreciation for Western art styles (D).

4 . A After World War II, European church membership declined significantly. Protestantism made
substantial inroads into Latin American religion (B), whereas the U.S. occupation ended the status
of Shintoism as a state religion (C). Although the Hindu caste system was legally ended, many
Indians continue its traditions (D).

5 . C Footbinding, a Confucian tradition, was outlawed. Chinese women were allowed to serve in
combat (A). Women were encouraged to work outside the home, but were still expected to fulfill
their traditional home obligations (B). Women had more rights under communism than under the
Guomindang (D).

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