5 Steps to a 5 AP World History 2017 Edition 10th

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
(A)     It  was highly  ineffective in  increasing  agricultural    yields.
(B) It reinforced class distinctions.
(C) It disseminated pollutants.
(D) It was an expensive solution to crop improvements.

Answers and Explanations

1 . B Since the most common pattern of migration in the twentieth century has been from
developing to developed nations, migration from Europe to the United States would be the least
common of the patterns listed. The remaining answer choices describe migrations from
developing to developed countries.

2 . B The migration of Hindus to India and Muslims to Pakistan after the creation of those
independent states in 1947 was the largest exchange of peoples in the twentieth century.

3 . D Cultural and religious traditions often oppose efforts to curb population growth. African
population continues to grow in spite of AIDS (A). Religious opposition was not the cause of
China’s abandonment of its one-child policy (B). Population growth has caused improper land
usage, including overgrazing (C).

4 . D The main migration pattern has been from developing to developed nations in search of better
economic opportunities.

5 . A The Green Revolution was successful in its goals, especially in India. The expense of the
program often led to more benefits for elite than for lower classes (B). Pesticides used in the
program caused pollution (C), and the program was expensive (D).

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