5 Steps to a 5 AP World History 2017 Edition 10th

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
(A)         The population  increased   due to  the increased   diversity   of  crops.
(B) The population declined as a result of imported disease.
(C) The population increased due to New World immigrants.
(D) The population declined because of famine caused by the mass export of crops.

9   .           What    economic    practice    is  referred    to  by  the phrase  “his    Indians”    in  the quote?

(A)         Slavery
(B) Indentured servitude
(C) The encomienda system
(D) The apprentice system

Questions 10 to 14 refer to the image below, which shows the use of a pre-Columbian wooden
foot plow.

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