5 Steps to a 5 AP World History 2017 Edition 10th

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
—Chain  of  Friendship, American    political   cartoon,    1914

19 . The above political cartoon best illustrates which political concept?

(A)         Imperialism
(B) Nationalism
(C) Alliances
(D) Militarism

20 . The order of the countries shown in the cartoon—Serbia–Austria–Russia–Germany–France—
supports which of the following statements?

(A)         World   War I   was a   politicians’    war.
(B) France attacked all the countries that were in front of it in line.
(C) Russia supported Serbia; France supported Russia.
(D) World War I was strictly a European war.

21 . Countries that also took part in World War I for varying amounts of time included which of the

(A)         Poland, Denmark,    and Great   Britain
(B) Switzerland, Greece, and Turkey
(C) Bulgaria, Italy, and the United States
(D) Great Britain, Spain, and France

Questions 22 to 24 refer to the drawing below.

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