5 Steps to a 5 AP World History 2017 Edition 10th

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Recommended Time    for Part    B—50    minutes

Directions: The short-answer questions are divided into parts; some questions have parts A and B,
and others have parts A, B, and C. Answer all parts of each of the questions. Each of the four
questions requires you to respond with three answers, and each of these answers is worth one point.
Therefore, each question is worth a total of three points. Note that short-answer questions are not
essay questions—they do not require the development and support of a thesis statement.

Question 1 refers to the passage below.

The arbitrary   and compulsory  feudal  marriage    system, which   is  based   on  the superiority of  man
over woman and which ignores the children’s interests, shall be abolished. . . . The new democratic
system, which is based on free choice of partners, on monogamy, on equal rights for both sexes,
and on protection of the lawful interests of women and children, shall be put into effect. . . .
Husband and wife are in duty bound to love, respect, assist, and look after each other, to live in
harmony, to engage in production, to care for their children, and to strive jointly for the welfare of
the family and for the building up of a new society.

—1950   Marriage    Law,    People’s    Republic    of  China

  1.      Answer  parts   A   and B.

A   .           Discuss ONE major   change  in  the status  of  men or  women   under   the new marriage    law.
B . Identify TWO additional changes brought about by the Marriage Law.

Question 2 refers to the map below, which shows the progress of the Bubonic Plague, or the
Black Death, during the 1340s.

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