5 Steps to a 5 AP World History 2017 Edition 10th

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1.      Answer  parts   A   and B.

A   .           Discuss ONE way in  which   the plague  spread  from    one region  to  another.
B . Identify and discuss TWO effects of the plague in Europe.

  1.      Answer  parts   A   and B.

A   .           Identify    and discuss TWO examples    of  popular culture whose   influence   has spread
throughout the world during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
B . Discuss ONE reaction that non-western societies have demonstrated when confronted with
western popular culture.

  1.      Answer  parts   A   and B.

A   .           World   War I   used    new military    technology, methods,    and strategies; identify    and discuss
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