5 Steps to a 5 AP World History 2017 Edition 10th

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
fertilizers,    and pesticides, starting    in  the mid-1960s   (A).    The triangular  trade   was the system  of
Atlantic trade networks around the 1500s (C). The Middle Passage was the part of the triangular
trade network that shipped slaves from Africa to the Americas (D).

8   .       A           Increased   diversity   of  crops   meant   a   greater and more    varied  food    supply, which   in  turn    led
to increased population in Europe. There is some speculation regarding whether any diseases
entered Europe via the Columbian Exchange, but, in any event, such introductions were not
sufficient to cause any significant decline in the European population (B). Immigration from the
Americas to Europe was not a widespread phenomenon (C). Though Europeans brought crops to
the Americas, it was not in quantities that would have caused a famine or a population decrease

9   .       C           The encomienda  system  granted land    and an  allotment   of  Indians to  a   Spaniard.   The Indians
were required to work for free, and in exchange the Spaniard was supposed to protect them and
provide for their Christian education. Slavery of Indians (though not of Africans) was officially
banned by Spain in 1542 (A). Indentured servitude refers to the system of repaying one’s passage
to the Americas by working for a specified period of time for free. It was primarily used by
Europeans (B). The apprentice system is a system of learning a trade by working for a master
craftsman for a specified period for low or no wages (D).

10 . A Human, not animal, labor was used to prepare the land and to plant and harvest crops. There
is no evidence of irrigation in the image (B), and both men and women are at work (C). Animals
were not generally used in farm work, not because they were “too valuable,” but because they
fulfilled other tasks (D).

11 . B The Americas lacked horses and oxen, the animals that were most commonly used for
agricultural work. And while the indigenous cultures were practiced in decorative metal work
(using gold and silver especially), they did not use metals for weaponry. Religion and trade did
not play substantial roles in economic development (A, D); warfare, however, did contribute to
economic development (C), thanks to the resulting extensive system of tribute.

12 . C While the Aztecs used the wheel for non-essential items (toys, for example), they did not use
it for transport vehicles. The Aztecs did have a system of writing (A), used metals for decorative
work (B), and had significant overland trade networks (D).

13 . A There was little to no north-south traffic in the Americas, and certainly not among
indigenous peoples between Mesoamerica and South America. The Andean and Mesoamerican
cultures both had extensive roads and bridges (B) and strong religious cultures (C). The Maya
had a system of writing (D); the Andean cultures did not.

14 . A Chinampas, or “floating gardens,” made use of the lakes and swamplands of Mesoamerica;
terraces made agriculture possible in the mountainous Incan homeland. There was no overlap of
agricultural techniques between the two cultures (B). Land ownership did not undergo reform
(C), and coercive labor systems were not common to the two cultures (D).

15 . C The Han and Gupta were both classical empires (600 BCE to 600 CE). The Ottoman (A),
Ming, Aztec (B), Tan, Qin, and Etruscan (D) were not classical empires.

16 . B The chaos and confusion following the fall of both the Roman and the Han empires
interrupted overland trade routes; the imperial armies that had controlled nomadic raids fell with

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