5 Steps to a 5 AP World History 2017 Edition 10th

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
began   in  1791    (D).    They    all occurred    either  substantially   earlier than    the writing of  the poem,   or
after. In addition, Haiti was a French colony and would not have been considered part of Latin

26 . D The phrase indicates that Latin America has had both poets and civilizations that used “the
stars” in its history. Answers including only poetry (A) or only science (B) are therefore
insufficient. There is nothing in the passage to suggest prophecy (C).

27 . B The theme is that Latin America has survived many invaders and will continue to survive, as
indicated by references to Columbus, Catholics, and Spain, and the use of phrases like “it lives”
and “Viva Spanish America!” The only references to violence are in connection with the United
States’ warlike actions and are critical of the violence (A). The poem refers to the rich culture of
Latin America in the present tense: “it lives” (C). The poet is critical of the U.S. focus on industry
and progress (“You think progress is eruption. No.”) (D).

28 . C The introduction states that the events occurred in the 1940s, which was during the World
War II era. The Crimean War occurred between 1853 and 1856, and therefore is the wrong era
(B). World War I occurred between 1914 and 1918, which is also the wrong era (B). The Seven
Years’ War occurred in Europe, primarily between 1755 and 1763. It is therefore from the wrong
era, and also occurred in a different location.

29 . A The United States was allied with the Soviet Union primarily because the Soviet Union had
been invaded by Germany. There was some distrust, though, as the Soviets had earlier signed a
non-aggression pact with Germany. The Soviets also felt that the United States, by refusing to
open an Eastern Front to take the pressure off Soviet troops, had been lukewarm in its support.
That distrust meant that the two were not exactly comrades or friends (B). They also were not
enemies, because the United States was looking for a solution that was acceptable to the Soviets
(C). That the Soviets’ views were considered means that they were not strangers (D).

30 . D Korea is currently separated into a Communist dictatorship in the north and a democratic,
capitalist regime in the south. The Japanese have no authority over or ownership of Korea (A).
The Americans established a democratic regime in the south, but North Korea limits the
individual liberties of its citizens (B). Though North Korea has suffered economic hardship in
the late twentieth century, South Korea has enjoyed rapid economic growth over the same period

31 . D Containment refers to the policy of limiting the spread of communism by limiting the
amount of territory the Communist powers occupied. Détente refers to a thawing of relations,
which is incorrect given the distrust of the Soviets implied in the passage (A). Mutual Assured
Destruction refers to the idea that both the Soviets and the United States would be deterred from
using nuclear weapons by the fact that they would both be destroyed if they did so. The passage
predates Soviet nuclear capabilities, and is therefore incorrect (B). Dollar Diplomacy
emphasized the U.S. use of economic influence to achieve political ends in Latin America (C).

32 . B The people of Mali study the fiqh, which is part of Muslims’ religious law. Ibn Batutta
expresses surprise that the genealogy is derived from the maternal side, indicating that this is not
a common Muslim practice (A). Although he does not explicitly state that the men do not yield to
sexual jealousy, it can be inferred from the fact that women had male friends and companions
(C). Likewise, he is surprised at the casual acceptance of such interactions between unrelated

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