5 Steps to a 5 AP World History 2017 Edition 10th

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
members of  opposite    sexes   (D).

33 . B Women wearing the veil is a cultural practice found in Southwest Asia (the Middle East) that
predated the founding of Islam. Women of Africa did not have that custom, and so were less
likely to adopt it as part of Islamic practice. Muslim women do not always perceive the veil to be
a means of oppression, not to mention the fact that the passage did not indicate that the Muslim
women of Mali were oppressed (A). That women could have male friends indicates that they
were not merely sexual objects (C). The climate of Mali would be similar to that of Southwest
Asia, where wearing the veil was a common practice (D).

34 . C Mali was near the trans-Saharan trade routes dominated by Muslim merchants in the 1300s.
Those merchants frequently exposed local African merchants to Islam. Berbers are North
African tribes, but they are not associated with any religious or mystical movement (A). The
Mughal empire lasted from the mid-1500s to the mid-1800s, and so is out of period. The
Mughals also were located in India and never entered Africa (B). Ethiopia was one of the earliest
Christian nations in Africa, and therefore was unlikely to have many Islamic shrines (D).

35 . B By “whispering” sentiments similar to those that apartheid “declares,” the world also engages
in discrimination, just in a less noticeable manner. There is no discussion of the world’s fear of
South Africa (A), nor of the world’s condemnation of the policy of apartheid (B). Although
“oppression” is the nature of the society, there is no discussion of its being caused by the world
economy (D).

36 . D Apartheid was the policy of legal discrimination against black South Africans from 1948 to

  1. Jim Crow refers to legal segregation in the United States South from Reconstruction after
    the Civil War until the 1960s (A). Spheres of influence refers to the system during the late 1800s
    in which European powers gained trading privileges within their own region, or “sphere,” in
    China (B). Boer is a Dutch and Afrikaans term for farmer and is associated with South Africa,
    but “Boer division” is not an official term (C).

37 . B Nelson Mandela was an anti-apartheid activist and head of the African National Congress
Party. He was the first black president of South Africa, elected in 1994 after years of
imprisonment for his anti-apartheid activities. Even though F. W. de Klerk worked to repeal
apartheid laws after his election as South Africa’s president in 1989, as he was a white politician,
his presidency didn’t symbolize the end of apartheid (A). There was no major bombing of
Lesotho (C). The Boer War was fought by the British and the Boers (Dutch descendants) for
control of South Africa at the end of the 1800s, and is therefore out of the time period.

38 . A The information states that the settlers included marines, marine wives, and both male and
female convicts. The presence of the convicts shows that Australia was intended to be a penal
colony, to house convicted criminals. There is no evidence of any intention to trade or to build a
trading post (B). There is no discussion of religion (C), nor of the weapons or arms that would
be needed for military bases (D).

39 . B Convicts were given the afternoons to tend their own gardens, which implies that they were
hoping to grow their own food eventually. April’s entry discusses illness (scurvy) (A); July’s
entry discusses medical shortages and the age of some convicts (C); and March’s entry discusses
food shortages (D).

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