5 Steps to a 5 AP World History 2017 Edition 10th

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
regulate    industries, businesses, or  markets.    Totalitarian    governments typically   have    total   control
over their economies, making “A” the better answer (B). Utilitarian philosophers advocate
policies that create the greatest amount of happiness for the largest number of people. It is not a
style of government per se, nor would it be consistent with systems that used child labor (C).
Corporatists include interest groups (like labor and industry) in the government, and therefore
provide more government involvement in the economy than laissez-faire systems (D).

50 . C Labor unions, whose workers are organized and act collectively, fought for better wages,
hours, and working conditions in the 1800s and 1900s. Guilds were medieval organizations and
therefore are out of the time period (A). Joint-stock companies allowed investors to purchase
shares in a business. They did not advocate for workers (B). Zaibatsu groups are Japanese
industrial conglomerates that controlled parts of Japan’s economy in the late 1800s and early
1900s. This answer in incorrect because they did not support improved conditions for workers
and because it relates to a different region (D).

51 . D Most of the people taking the exams came from the Chinese nobility. Even though the civil
service exam offered the possibility of social mobility for the lower classes, the reality was that,
since the exams were so difficult and there was no public education, few peasants could afford to
devote that amount of time to studying (B). Conscripted military would also have been unable to
take the time to study for the exam (C). Coastal merchants would not have been a large enough
group to make an impact (A).

52 . D The civil service exam was created during the Han dynasty to provide a professional
bureaucracy. It was based on Confucian essays, literature, and poetry. It did not cover legal
statutes (A) or engineering principles (B). It also would not have covered economic theory,
especially as the Chinese tended to look down on trade and merchants (C).

53 . C Even though the civil service exams did not result in large degrees of social mobility, the
Japanese nobles and Buddhist monks balked at the prospect of diluting their power. The Japanese
had adopted Chinese writing and other elements of the imperial court system, so there is no
reason to think that they would not have been able to adapt to that style of exam (A). Japanese
merchants at this time weren’t significant enough to affect the decision (B), and Christian
missionaries did not have enough influence to affect such decisions (D).

54 . D Although most of the candidates were drawn from the upper classes, the civil service exam
did offer an opportunity for a few bright candidates from rural villages. Conditions for women
were unchanged, as women could not take the exam (A). Candidates had to pay for their studies
themselves (B). The imperial exam was unrelated to nomadic border tribes (C).

55 . A Mao Tse Tung was opposed to intellectuals, and sought to reeducate them during the Cultural
Revolution. Both the Han dynasty and the Tang dynasty used and supported the imperial exam, so
they would have approved of successful candidates (B, C). Deng Xiaoping is the twentieth-
century Chinese leader who modernized China, improving education and opening markets.
Although he might not have supported the Confucian element, the fact that he supported
education means that this is not the best response (D).

Section I, Part B: Short-Answer Questions

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