5 Steps to a 5 AP World History 2017 Edition 10th

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

1A . You should mention ONE of the following in your answer: men are no longer considered
superior to women; women will enjoy equal rights in the marriage; men and women can now
choose the person they want to marry; or men and women are constrained to be monogamous.

1B . The TWO additional changes can include any of the answers from 1A, so long as you didn’t use
them to answer 1A. You can also mention the care of children or the consideration of marriage
as a way to contribute to the societal good.

2A . As the map shows, the plague spread both by land and by sea. Drawing on your knowledge of
world history, you might discuss merchants or crusaders as being responsible for this spread of
the disease.

2B . TWO effects of the plague in Europe can include, for example, a death blow to the feudal class
system caused by the loss of serf labor and the beginning of a wage labor system; a drastic
decline in population; increased persecution of Jews and alleged witches, since they were
considered to have been responsible for the plague; or the production of literary works (e.g.,
Boccaccio’s Decameron ).

3A . You may mention various styles of popular music—rock ‘n’ roll, heavy metal, or reggae, for
example. Movies have become globally popular, from Italian neorealism to Hollywood to
Bollywood, to name just a few forms. Food has gone global, including fast food, like
McDonald’s. Jeans, jazz, and sports have all become global.

3B . While many non-westerners admire and, to some degree, emulate American cultural icons,
many others resent the diffusion of American culture. As a result, citizens of non-western
cultures often experience a resurrection of traditional practices in their countries. Some have
gone so far as to ban the use of western language or terminology and replaced it with native

4A . You have many choices here. TWO of the following should come to mind immediately: use of
tanks; use of airplanes, though generally only for reconnaissance; use of chemical weapons
(mustard gas); water-cooled machine guns; flame throwers; trench warfare.

4B . Of the social changes resulting from World War I, a shortage of young men led to greater work
opportunities for women. There was an erosion of class distinctions, a weakening of imperial
ties, and suffrage for women.

Section II, Part A: Document-Based Question

This question has two parts: in reverse order, you must decide the original purpose of the Olympic
games, and the purpose of the modern games as well; then you must discuss how the modern games
have deviated from that original purpose and become, frequently, political. You must sustain a thesis
that takes both parts of the question into consideration. For example, you could say that the original
purpose of the games was to use sport to establish or maintain peace among different peoples
(Documents 1 and 2), but that with globalization, or with modern interweavings of different nations
and different aspects of life, politics have crept into sports. You may decide that this is inevitable. Or
you may take to heart the idea of establishing a permanent venue for the games that asks participants
to check their politics at the gate (Document 7).
A good response will draw on six or seven (that is, all or all but one of the) documents to explain

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