5 Steps to a 5 AP World History 2017 Edition 10th

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Scoring: How Did I Do?

As you evaluate how you did on the practice exam, you need to keep several things in mind.
First, look again at the chart from the first chapter of the book. This tells you how much of your
score will be determined by each part of the test. The multiple-choice counts the most, but no one part
of the exam will determine your final grade. The scoring chart below reflects the same percentages
shown here.

An overall score of 3 (out of 5) is considered passing. However, each college or university has
different policies as to the score needed and the amount of credit offered. Check the schools you’re
considering to determine the score you’ll need and the credit hours awarded. You can find all this
information at https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/creditandplacement/search-credit-policies?
affiliateId=rdr&bannerId=apcreditpolicy .
To use the scoring chart below, you’ll have to grade your own answers for the short-answer
questions, the document-based question, and the long essay. Look at the explanations and evaluate
how your answers measure up. Determine the points you should probably receive for each question
based on the total points possible shown on the worksheet below.
This worksheet uses a different point system from the actual test, but the result is similar. In the
end, you’ll have an idea of how you performed on the practice test on the same 1–5 scale used on the
actual test. The apcentral.collegeboard.com website has specific information about rubrics for the
questions. Your teacher should also have this information.

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