5 Steps to a 5 AP World History 2017 Edition 10th

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
the life    of  Jesus;  letters from    the followers   of  Jesus   to  the early   Christian   churches    and the Book
of Revelation, a prophetic text.

nirvana In Buddhism, a state of perfect peace that is the goal of reincarnation.

No theater The classical Japanese drama with music and dances performed on a simple stage by
elaborately dressed actors.

nonalignment The policy of some developing nations to refrain from aligning themselves with either
the United States or the Soviet Union during the cold war.

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) An organization that prohibits tariffs and other
trade barriers between Mexico, the United States, and Canada.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) A defense alliance between nations of Western
Europe and North America formed in 1949.

Northern Renaissance An extension of the Italian Renaissance to the nations of northern Europe; the
Northern Renaissance took on a more religious nature than the Italian Renaissance.

Northwest Passage A passage through the North American continent that was sought by early
explorers to North America as a route to trade with the East.

Opium War (1839 to 1842) War between Great Britain and China began with the Qing dynasty’s
refusal to allow continued opium importation into China; British victory resulted in the Treaty of

oracle bones Animal bones or shells used by Chinese priests to receive messages from the gods.

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Organization formed in 1960 by
oilproducing countries to regulate oil supplies and prices.

ozone depletion The thinning of the layer of the gas ozone high in the earth’s atmosphere; ozone
serves as a protection against the sun’s ultraviolet rays.

Pan-Slavic movement A Russian attempt to unite all Slavic nations into a commonwealth relationship
under the influence of Russia.

parallel descent In Incan society, descent through both the father and mother.

parliament A representative assembly.

parliamentary monarchy A government with a king or queen whose power is limited by the power
of a parliament.

pastoralism The practice of herding.

patriarchal Pertaining to a social system in which the father is the head of the family.

Pax Romana The Roman Peace; the period of prosperity and stability throughout the Roman Empire
in the first two centuries CE.

peninsulares In the Spanish colonies, those who were born in Europe.

People of the Book A term applied by Islamic governments to Muslims, Christians, and Jews in
reference to the fact that all three religions had a holy book.

perestroika A restructuring of the Soviet economy to allow some local decision making.

Persian Gulf War The 1991 war between Iraq and a U.S.-led coalition to liberate Kuwait from an
Iraqi invasion.

perspective An artistic technique commonly used in Renaissance painting that gave a three-
dimensional appearance to works of art.

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