5 Steps to a 5 AP World History 2017 Edition 10th

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

social contract Enlightenment concept of the agreement made by the people living in a state of nature
to give up some of their rights in order for governments to be established.

Social Darwinism The application of Darwin’s philosophy of natural selection to human society.

socialism Political movement originating in nineteenth-century Europe; emphasized state control of
the major means of production.

Solidarity A Polish trade union that began the nation’s protest against Communist rule.

sovereignty Self-rule.

Spanish-American War (1898) Conflict between the United States and Spain that began the rise of the
United States as a world power.

Spanish Civil War A conflict from 1936 to 1939 that resulted in the installation of Fascist dictator
Francisco Franco as ruler of Spain; Franco’s forces were backed by Germany and Italy, whereas
the Soviet Union supported the opposing republican forces.

specialization of labor The division of labor that aids the development of skills in a particular type of

spheres of influence Divisions of a country in which a particular foreign nation enjoys economic

stateless society A society that is based on the authority of kinship groups rather than on a central

steppe A dry grassland.

steppe diplomacy The skill of political survival and dominance in the world of steppe nomads; it
involved the knowledge of tribal and clan structure and often used assassinations to accomplish its

stock market A market where shares are bought and sold.

Stoicism The most popular Hellenistic philosophy; it involved strict discipline and an emphasis on
helping others.

Suez Canal Canal constructed by Egypt across the Isthmus of Suez in 1869.

Sufis Muslims who attempt to reach Allah through mysticism.

sultan An Islamic ruler.

Sunni The branch of Islam that believes that the Muslim community should select its leaders; the
Sunnis are the largest branch of Islam.

syncretism A blend of two or more cultures or cultural traditions.

system of checks and balances Constitutional system in which each branch of government places
limits on the power of the other branches.

Taiping Rebellion (1853 to 1864) Revolt in southern China against the Qing Empire.

Tanzimet reforms Nineteenth-century reforms by Ottoman rulers designed to make the government
and military more efficient.

tea ceremony An ancient Shinto ritual still performed in the traditional Japanese capital of Kyoto.

Tehran Conference A 1943 meeting of leaders of the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet
Union; it agreed on the opening of a second front in France.

Ten Commandments The moral law of the Hebrews.

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