5 Steps to a 5 AP World History 2017 Edition 10th

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Blowing Bubbles

37 . What does the cartoonist intend to suggest in the above political cartoon?

(A)         Woodrow Wilson  was responsible for the failure of  the League  of  Nations.
(B) The forces of conflict were too strong for the League of Nations to overcome.
(C) The League of Nations was too fragile to have lasted long.
(D) Idealism is necessary to improve the world.

38 . Though the League of Nations was short-lived (1919–1946), it set the stage for which of the

(A)         NATO
(B) The United Nations
(C) The alliance system
(D) The Marshall Plan

39 . Those who argue that the roots of World War II are found in the Treaty of Versailles, which
created the League of Nations, point to which of the following?

(A)         The rejection   of  the League  of  Nations by  the French  and the British
(B) Germany’s resentment at having to accept blame for World War I
(C) Italy’s resentment at losing the territory it had won
(D) The dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire

Questions 40 to 43 refer to the passage below, an account given to a French officer in Algeria in
the 1830s by a member of an Arab slave trade caravan.

The Slave Trade

All of  you [soldiers], are summoned    .   .   .   to  hunt    the idolatrous  Koholanes   [a  pejorative  word    for
“black Africans”]. . . . The soldiery divided themselves into two companies . . . with orders to attack
places without defenses and to carry off the inhabitants as well as seizing all peasants busy
cultivating their fields. . . . Whilst waiting for the return of the companies despatched to hunt
Negroes, we went every day to the slave market where we bought at the following prices:

A   Negro   with    beard..................10   or  15,000  cowries.

They    are not considered  as  merchandise since   one has little  chance  of  preventing  them    from

An  adult   Negress....................10   or  15,000  cowries for the same    reasons
An adolescent Negro......................30,000 cowries
A young Negress ........................50–60,000 cowries
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