5 Steps to a 5 AP World History 2017 Edition 10th

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

29 . B Brazilians speak Portuguese as a result of the line of demarcation established by the Treaty of
Tordesillas (the Pope’s Line through South America) in 1494. The Dutch (A) are not included on
the map. Only English voyages (C) to Canada are listed, and therefore they cannot explain
French-speaking Canadians. Although the Vikings did land in North America (D), they did not
establish a presence.

30 . C China abandoned exploration during the Ming Dynasty at the behest of Confucian officials so
that the country could focus on protecting its borders. Zheng He in fact contacted many other
cultures (A) and brought many exotic animals and products home to China. Choice (B) is an
ethnocentric statement and reflects a point of view rather than historical reality. The islands off
the East African coast were not colonized by 1450 (D).

31 . D The Americas had had local, but no trans-regional, trade. Southeast Asia, Africa, and Europe
(A, B, and C) had engaged in several trans-regional trade networks, including those along the
silk roads, across the Indian Ocean, and around the Mediterranean.

32 . A Mercantilism developed in conjunction with colonies, arising out of exploration. Nationalism
is associated with the 19th and 20th centuries (B); industrialism is associated with the 18th and
19th centuries (C); and communism is a 20th-century political phenomenon (D).

33 . C The only possible description of Wordsworth’s reaction is enthusiasm, and thus the other
answers (which would make him encouraged [A], accepting [B], or resigned [D]) are
unacceptable. C also accounts for Dickens’s somewhat cynical take, as when he says, “things in
general were settled forever.”

34 . B In France, the heavy tax burden was borne exclusively by the third estate, who could least
afford it. In the American colonies, colonists disputed the contention that Parliament had the right
to impose taxes on the colonies without colonial representation in Parliament. The American
Revolution changed very little with regard to the existing class structure; however, France’s class
structure changed dramatically (A). Although France wanted to abolish the monarchy, the
American colonists kept the ideals of a bicameral legislature, separation of powers, and colonial
legislatures, as well as representative government (C). The French Revolution sought to limit the
influence of religious leaders, but the American Revolution did not.

35 . B Robespierre, called “the Incorruptible,” was known initially as the champion of the social
revolution that took place in France. Later, in 1794, he was considered a dictator and summarily
executed. Louis XVI (A) was the king who was overthrown by the French Revolution. Jean Lafitte
(C) was a pirate. Lafayette (D) was known for his participation in the American Revolution, but
he was a moderate where the French Revolution was concerned, and was eventually exiled from

36 . C Enlightenment thinkers responded to the social and economic ills that had characterized 17th-
and 18th-century France; they sought to replace the aristocratic old order with a rational,
practical, more bourgeois society and government. The Reformation (A) was a 16th-century
religious movement aimed at reforming the corrupt Catholic church. Mercantilism (B) was an
economic theory that was popular with colonial powers, especially in 16th-, 17th-, and 18th-
century Europe. The Reconquista refers to the centuries-long Christian reconquest of Spain from
Arab domination.

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