5 Steps to a 5 AP World History 2017 Edition 10th

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

one that compares two colonial societies during the new imperialism:
Compared to most African colonies, the British colony in India

(A)     was allowed more    practice    in  self-government
(B) was a model of technology transfer
(C) did not receive the benefits of improved transportation
(D) did not rebel against its European imperialist power

Answer (A) is correct; the British allowed Indians to engage in some local rule. Answer (B) is
incorrect; neither African colonies nor India were recipients of much technology transfer. Answer
(C) is incorrect because both benefited from the transportation systems initially established for the
colonizing nations. Answer (D) is incorrect; the Sepoy Rebellion was a revolt against British rule in

The following   are some    frequently  asked   questions   concerning  the multiple-choice section:

  1.  If  I   don’t   know    an  answer, should  I   guess   or  leave   the question    unanswered? There   is  no

    guessing penalty on the multiple-choice section. If you do not know an answer, you should select
    the answer choice that you think is correct. Don’t leave any multiple-choice questions unanswered;
    correct guesses are correct answers.

  2. What strategy should I use to narrow the possible answer choices? Of the four answer choices
    found in each question, one is often obviously incorrect. In addition to the correct choice, there is
    often another answer which is almost correct. Another possibility is that two of the answer choices
    are correct, but one is a better answer than the other. The best advice is to read the question very
    carefully to determine exactly what the question is asking, then eliminate the weaker answers until
    you arrive at the best answer.

  3. Will I be required to know a lot of dates and people to answer the multiple-choice questions?
    Some knowledge of specific dates and people will be necessary to answer the multiple-choice
    questions. For the most part, however, the multiple-choice questions on the Advanced Placement
    World History examination ask you to compare societies, issues, or trends within one or more of
    the Advanced Placement World History time periods or to analyze how societies, issues, or trends
    have changed and remained the same over one or more time periods.

The Short-Answer Questions

In Section I, Part B, of the test, you will be given a series of four free-response questions. Each of the
four questions is divided into two or three parts. These questions account for 20 percent of your
score. You will be given an hour and 45 minutes to answer Parts A and B of Section I; it’s
recommended that you spend 50 minutes of that time on the short-answer questions.
Many of the short-answer questions are based upon a stimulus such as a quotation, graph, chart,
picture, or map. Other questions in this portion of the exam may ask you to identify and explain
examples of a process, an AP World History theme, or events occurring within a given AP World

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