5 Steps to a 5 AP World History 2017 Edition 10th

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


PEGGY J. MARTIN teaches Advanced Placement World History, Economics-Free Enterprise, and U.S.
Government at Del Rio High School in Del Rio, Texas. She is the author of Kaplan’s SAT Subject
Test: World History and 5 Steps to a 5: AP World History Flashcards for Your iPod with MP3 Disk . As
a consultant in Advanced Placement World History, she has presented workshops in the southwestern
region of the United States and served as an essay reader for the Advanced Placement World History
Exam since the inaugural reading in 2002. The mother of four grown children, she and her husband
make their home in Del Rio, Texas.

BETH BARTOLINI -SALIMBENI holds degrees in history, Spanish, Italian, and comparative literature. A
former Fulbright scholar and twice a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) fellow, she has
taught AP World History, AP European History, and AP Art History at the high school level as well as
history and languages at both the high school and the university level, both in the United States and in
Italy. Her most recent book is Italian Grammar for Dummies . She is currently working on a
biography of a 19th-century Italian “gentlewoman.” In 2014–2015, she was the recipient of the
American Association of Italian Teachers Distinguished Service Award (K–12) and the New Mexico
Organization of Language Educators Lifetime Achievement Award for her work in Romance
languages and cultures. She is an endorsed consultant to the College Board.

WENDY PETERSEN earned undergraduate degrees in political science and French before going on to a
Master of Arts in political science. Time spent studying in France and England sparked her interest in
history, and she began her career teaching world history in southwest Houston in 1997. Since moving
to New Mexico in 2000, she has taught a variety of subjects, including French, AP World History, and
AP United States Government and Politics. In 2014, she was selected as one of the first teachers to
pilot the new Advanced Placement Seminar course, part of the College Board’s Advanced Placement
Capstone program.

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