5 Steps to a 5 AP World History 2017 Edition 10th

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
is  failure to  answer  the right   question    as  a   result  of  not reading the essay   prompt  carefully.  Another
very common problem is failure to make at least one direct comparison between the societies or
issues addressed in the essay prompt.

  1.  Does    my  essay   require an  introduction? No.   Many    students    waste   time    writing elaborate

    introductory sentences or paragraphs to the free-response questions. The best approach is to state
    your thesis statement, then defend it with historical details and analyses.

  2. If the essay prompt asks for a comparison between two regions, must I deal with the regions
    as a whole, or may I compare one country from each region? Either approach is allowed. You
    may even treat one region as a whole and deal with the second region through the example of one

  3. Is it necessary to know the issues in both regions equally well? No. As long as you answer all
    parts of the question, you may write an essay that is stronger in one area than the other.

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