5 Steps to a 5TM AP European History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

(^170) › STEP 4. Review the Knowledge You Need to Score High
not refer to the strategic requirements of national defense. C is incorrect because the
passage does not refer to politics. D is incorrect because the passage does not refer to
any religious mission.

  1. D is correct because the passage argues that the practice of imperialism produces short-
    term profits for some classes within the imperialist country, but leads to the neglect
    of investment necessary for the country’s long-term economic health. A is incorrect
    because the essay does not refer to imperialism as an economic necessity. B and C are
    incorrect because the passage argues that, in the long term, imperialism is economically

  2. C is correct because the passage is analyzing the roots of imperialism (and thus
    the actions of the imperialist country, not the conquered country) and because
    the passage refers to “the classes for whose interest imperialism works.” A and D
    are incorrect because the passage is analyzing the roots of imperialism (and thus
    the actions of the imperialist country, not the conquered country). B is incorrect
    because the passage states that there are “classes for whose interest Imperialism
    works,” and argues that, more generally, imperialism is bad for all countries

  3. Suggested answer:
    Thesis: Two causes of the New Imperialism that help to explain the Scramble for Africa are
    the need for new raw materials in the expanding industrial economy of Europe and techno-
    logical innovations in weaponry and transportation.

Paragraph Outline:
I. The need for new raw materials in the expanding industrial economy of Europe helps to
explain the Scramble for Africa by providing a motive for European expansion into Africa.
For example, diamonds in South Africa.
II. Technological innovations in weaponry (such as the breech-loading rifle) and transporta-
tion (such as the steam-powered gunboat) help to explain the Scramble for Africa by pro-
viding the means that encouraged European economic and military adventurism.

Rapid Review

The New Imperialism was the result of a complex set of impulses, which included eco-
nomic needs created by industrialization, the traditional desire of European nations to
compete with one another, and the need for political elites to find ways to win the support
of a new political force: the masses. The New Imperialism resulted in the Scramble for
Africa, in which European powers laid claim to the entire continent in the last two decades
of the nineteenth century. In Asia, the New Imperialism generally took the form of indirect
European control exerted through local elites.


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