5 Steps to a 5TM AP European History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

The Cold War, Integration, and Globalization (^) ‹ 205

  1. What did Churchill believe to be the goal of the Soviet Union?
    A. The expansion of its power and influence wherever possible
    B. A global revolution of the proletariat
    C. A third world war
    D. Control of all of Asia

  2. Which statement best represents Churchill’s argument?
    A. A third world war was inevitable.
    B. Securing the rule of democratic governments in Europe required a strong military
    presence throughout Europe.
    C. A balance of power must be created between the West and the Soviet Union.
    D. The United States should join the British Commonwealth in order to prevent the
    spread of communism.

Short Answer

  1. Briefly explain TWO ways in which people were able to reconstruct civic life in the
    police-states that had been formed under Soviet-style communism, and illustrate each
    with an example.

Answers and Explanations

  1. C is correct because the passage states the belief that “Communist fifth columns are
    established and work in complete unity and absolute obedience to the directions they
    receive from the Communist center” (that is, the Soviet Union). A is incorrect because
    the passage states that communism was “in its infancy” in the United States. B is incor-
    rect because the Russian frontier was already a part of the Soviet Union at the time of
    the speech, and because the reference in the passage is to places far from the Russian
    frontier. D is incorrect because the passage states that communism posed a growing
    threat “to Christian civilization,” that is, to Europe and the United States.

  2. A is correct because the passage states Churchill’s belief that the government of the
    Soviet Union wanted “the indefinite expansion of their power and doctrines.” B is
    incorrect because the passage makes no mention of a global revolution of the prole-
    tariat. C is incorrect because the passage says that Churchill does not believe that the
    Soviet Union wants war. D is incorrect because the passage makes no mention of Asia.

  3. B is correct because the passage implies that military weakness would encourage the
    expansionist aims of the Soviet Union. A is incorrect because the passage does not refer
    to the inevitability of war. C is incorrect because the passage states Churchill’s belief
    that “the old doctrine of a balance of power is unsound.” D is incorrect because the
    passage does not urge the United States to join the British Commonwealth.

  4. Suggested answer:

Thesis: During the 1980s, people within the police-states of Soviet-dominated Eastern
Europe were able to reconstruct spaces for normal civic life in several ways, including the
development and expansion of a labor union movement and the development of “civic

Paragraph Outline:
I. In Poland in the 1980s, workers under the leadership of an electrician named Lech Walesa
succeeded in forming a labor union known as Solidarity. Pressured by numerous strikes,
the Polish government recognized the union despite threats of Soviet intervention.


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