5 Steps to a 5TM AP European History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

AP European History Practice Test 1, Section I, Part A (^) ‹ 211
AP European History Practice Test 1
Section I, Part A
(Multiple-Choice Questions)
Directions: The multiple-choice section consists of 55 questions to be answered in 55
minutes. The sets of questions below refer to the attached primary source, secondary
source, or historical issue. For each question, select the one answer that best answers or
completes the question and fill in the letter that corresponds to your choice on the answer
sheet supplied.
Questions 1–3 relate to the following passage:
At last it seems to me that I have come to understand why man is the most fortunate of all creatures and conse-
quently worthy of all admiration.... The nature of all other beings is limited.... Imagine! The great generosity
of God! The happiness of man! To man it is allowed to be whatever he chooses to be!
Pico della Mirandola, Oration on the Dignity of Man, 1486

  1. Pico della Mirandola was participating in which
    cultural movement?
    A. The Renaissance
    B. The Reformation
    C. The Scientific Revolution
    D. The Enlightenment

  2. Pico della Mirandola believed that humankind
    was unique in what way?
    A. Human beings have a soul.
    B. Human beings know that they will die.
    C. It is possible for human beings to go to heaven.
    D. The potential of the human being is unlimited.

  3. Pico della Mirandola rejected which of the follow-
    ing notions?
    A. That man was a unique kind of creature
    B. That God intended man to strive to achieve
    C. That man is unworthy of admiration
    D. That humans are God’s equals

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