5 Steps to a 5TM AP European History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

(^220) › STEP 5. Build Your Test-Taking Confidence
Questions 37–39 refer to the following poster from Great Britain during World War II:

  1. What is the overall message of this poster?
    A. The wartime needs of Britain led to the con-
    scription of women into the military.
    B. The wartime economy of Britain required
    women to do factory work.
    C. Women working in factories with men led to
    social change in Britain.
    D. Wartime needs led to women joining the
    industrial workforce of Great Britain for the
    first time.
    38. What change does the poster reflect?
    A. Women were put in charge of factories in
    Great Britain during World War II.
    B. Women made up a significant portion of the
    British military during World War II.
    C. Women were happy to join the industrial
    workforce in Great Britain during World
    War II.
    D. Women were involved in the production of
    munitions during World War II.
    39. What was the purpose or focus of propaganda in
    Great Britain during World War II?
    A. It focused predominately on minority groups.
    B. It had the same goals as German propaganda.
    C. It aimed at making women feel like they
    were an important part of the war effort.
    D. It gave an unrealistic picture of the opportu-
    nities open to women.

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