5 Steps to a 5TM AP European History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Answers and Explanations for AP European History Practice Test 1

Section I, Part A: Multiple-Choice Questions

Choice Questions

  1. A. The reference to the pride and confidence
    in the abilities of man and the date of publica-
    tion both tell you that this is a passage from a
    Renaissance thinker. B is incorrect because such
    pride would be frowned upon by advocates of the
    Protestant Reformation. C is incorrect because
    the passage does not refer to knowledge about
    the natural world and because the Scientific
    Revolution was a seventeenth-century phenom-
    enon. D is incorrect because the Enlightenment
    was an eighteenth-century development.

  2. D. The passage says that humans are the most
    fortunate creatures because, unlike other crea-
    tures whose nature is limited, a man is “allowed
    to be whatever he chooses to be!” A is incorrect
    because the passage does not mention a soul. B is
    incorrect because the passage does not mention
    man’s foreknowledge of death. C is incorrect
    because the passage does not mention heaven.

  3. C. The passage explicitly says that man is worthy
    of admiration, thus one can easily infer that Pico
    rejects the notion that man is unworthy of admi-
    ration. A is incorrect because the passage states
    that man alone has an unlimited potential; thus,
    one may infer that Pico accepts, rather than
    rejects, the notion that man is unique. B is incor-
    rect because one may infer from the passage that
    God, having given man an unlimited nature,
    intended him to strive to achieve, and because
    striving to achieve is a value of Renaissance
    humanists like Pico. D is incorrect because one
    cannot infer anything from the passage about
    humans’ ability to become the equal of God.

  4. C. The petitioners are clearly objecting to the
    elimination of their traditional laboring jobs
    by the introduction of machines. A is incorrect
    because the petitioners are asking for a return to

traditional modes of work. B is incorrect because
there is no evidence in this document that the
Leeds woolen workers were resorting to the vio-
lent destruction of machines that characterized
the Luddite movement. D is incorrect because
there is no evidence in the document for an
increase in the use of child labor; rather, the
document expresses concern about the loss of
apprenticeship opportunities.

  1. A. The replacing of workers and traditional
    labor techniques by machines was a prominent
    social effect of industrialization. B is incorrect
    because the document makes no reference to
    nationalist concerns. C is incorrect because the
    document makes no reference to the empire or
    its expansion. D is incorrect because the con-
    cerns of the document are about a specific social
    effect—the elimination of jobs, not broader
    cultural issues.

  2. B. The document makes the argument that
    unemployment would lead to the depopulation
    of the region, which in turn would cause the
    collapse of the local economy. A is incorrect
    because the document explicitly acknowledges
    that productivity is increased by the introduc-
    tion of machines. C is incorrect because the
    document makes no reference to the size of
    families. D is incorrect because the document
    is an appeal for continued work and mentions
    “idleness” only as an undesirable outcome of

  3. A. The metaphor of a burden and images of a
    “heavy harness” and “savage wars of peace” all
    indicate difficult but necessary work. B is incor-
    rect because none of the images in the poem
    implies ruthlessness. C is incorrect because the
    excerpt contains no images that are glorious or
    religious. D is incorrect because, though the
    excerpt does refer to hopes coming to naught,
    the overall theme of a burden implies an impor-
    tant purpose that justifies the effort.

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