5 Steps to a 5TM AP European History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

(^232) › STEP 5. Build Your Test-Taking Confidence

  1. D. Phrases like “half-devil, half-child,” and “sloth
    and heathen” imply that these are peoples of a
    backward or less-developed civilization. A and B
    are incorrect because both of the lines they refer
    to are describing the British imperialists, not the
    people over whom the British are ruling. C is
    incorrect because nothing in the excerpt suggests
    that the natives are “ready” for conversion.

  2. A. The excerpt contains both a message of
    responsibility and a warning about great costs.
    B is incorrect because the excerpt exhorts the
    Americans to “take up the... burden,” not
    avoid it. C is incorrect because the excerpt does
    not call for the Christianizing of other civiliza-
    tions. D is incorrect because the poem is devoid
    of irony; it considers the burden of imperial rule
    to be heavy but not folly.

  3. C. Hogarth was commenting on the phenom-
    enon of cash-strapped aristocrats marrying their
    sons to daughters of wealthy bourgeois business-
    men in order to ensure a combination of wealth
    and status in the next generation of the family.
    A is incorrect because the engraving depicts two
    fathers haggling over the details of marrying
    their son and daughter. B is incorrect because the
    subject of the engraving is not the sale of art. D
    is incorrect because the subject of the engraving
    is not churchmen marrying.

  4. B. Hogarth was criticizing the practice of eco-
    nomically motivated marriage through a satiri-
    cally humorous depiction. A is incorrect because
    the scene is depicted realistically. C is incorrect
    because the depiction of the aristocrats in the
    scene is not flattering. D is incorrect because the
    image is not a landscape.

  5. C. The sight of two fathers treating their chil-
    dren as economic assets while the clergyman
    leers at the bride-to-be shows Hogarth’s moral
    repugnance. The mutual lack of interest shown
    by the future bride and groom foreshadows the
    misery that will follow (and which Hogarth
    depicts in the rest of this series of engravings). A
    is incorrect because the subject of the engraving
    is not the sale of art to foreigners. B is incor-
    rect because portrait painting and patronage are
    not the subject of the engraving. D is incorrect
    because the scene depicted does not inspire con-
    fidence in the future of the realm.
    13. C. There was a spread of religious skepticism
    among the educated elite in Britain in the eight-
    eenth century, and the possibility of a skeptical
    and flexible attitude toward religion is implied
    in Gibbon’s interpretation. A is incorrect because
    Gibbon was not a clergyman, and the clergy
    did not have a monopoly on scholarship in
    eighteenth-century Britain. B is incorrect because
    the excerpt implies no hatred of Roman religious
    attitudes. D is incorrect because one can tell
    nothing about the sources available from the
    14. A. Gibbon’s interpretation refers to various atti-
    tudes toward religious worship that correlated
    with the social position of the worshiper. B is
    incorrect because Gibbon makes no reference to
    social tension or turmoil. C is incorrect because
    Gibbon refers to various kinds of religious wor-
    ship, which implies the opposite of homogene-
    ity and centralization. D is incorrect because
    Gibbon makes no reference to the introduction
    of Christianity in this excerpt.
    15. C. There are no lines on the map that indicate
    British sailing routes in the Pacific Ocean. A, B,
    and D are incorrect because there are lines on the
    map that indicate British sailing routes along the
    west coast of Africa, in the Atlantic Ocean, and
    in the Indian Ocean.
    16. D. The dark shaded lines connecting Britain,
    North America, and the west coast of Africa
    indicate the existence of such a Triangle of Trade.
    A is incorrect because no lines travel through
    North American waters to the Pacific Ocean.
    B is incorrect because there are very few lines
    connecting Britain and China. C is incorrect
    because there are no lines indicating British
    trade voyages in the Mediterranean during this
    17. A. The heavy blue shading shows a high fre-
    quency of British trade ship voyages southward,
    around the horn of Africa, and to India via
    the Indian Ocean. B is incorrect because the
    map offers no evidence for assertions about the
    cargo that ships carried. The map shows that
    no British trade ships sailed west through the
    Mediterranean Sea, and because the map indi-
    cates that there is no Suez Canal during this
    period. D is incorrect because the map clearly

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