5 Steps to a 5TM AP European History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

(^234) › STEP 5. Build Your Test-Taking Confidence
makes no mention of capitalist enemies. C is
incorrect because perestroika was meant to allow
a socialist society to develop successfully, and
because the passage makes no mention of the
failure of socialism. D is incorrect because the
passage makes no mention of capitalism.

  1. C. The passage quotes Gorbachev as saying that
    the time for perestroika was ripe and that people
    had yearned for change for a long time. A is
    incorrect because the passage says that people had
    yearned for change for a long time, and because
    it says nothing about a sudden crisis. B is incor-
    rect because the document says nothing about
    the need for perestroika being exaggerated. D is
    incorrect because the document says the time for
    perestroika is ripe, not that it has passed.

  2. D. Doregelès recalled that the people of Paris
    (thereby indicating that it is the reaction of
    the people of that city) were singing (a sign of
    enthusiasm). A is incorrect because Doregelès
    recalled that the people of Paris were singing (a
    sign of enthusiasm, not skepticism). B and C
    are incorrect because Doregelès recalled that the
    people of Paris were singing; one can infer noth-
    ing, therefore, about the rest of Europe.

  3. A. Doregelès says that he was “exhilarated”
    (excitedly happy) by what he had seen and expe-
    rienced. B is incorrect because nothing in the
    passage indicates that Doregelès was disgusted.
    C is incorrect because nothing in the passage
    indicates that Doregelès was frightened. D is
    incorrect because the passage gives no indication
    about how Doregelès thought France would fare
    in the war.

  4. D. The passage tells us that Clemenceau reacted
    by saying, “It will be all right then,” indicating
    that Clemenceau had some concern that the
    French public would react poorly. A is incorrect
    because nothing in the passage indicates that
    Clemenceau was disgusted. B is incorrect because
    there is nothing in the passage that indicates what
    Clemenceau thought of France’s chances in the
    war. C is incorrect because nothing in the passage
    indicates that Clemenceau would serve as Prime
    Minister of France.

  5. B. World War I began in 1914, and the passage
    clearly states that Clemenceau blames Germany

for it. A is incorrect because the Great Depression
began in 1929. C is incorrect because World
War II began in 1939. D is incorrect because the
Franco-Prussian War began in 1870.

  1. B. The passage indicates that Clemenceau
    believes that the chauvinistic lyrics of Deutschland
    über alles reveal the German aggressiveness that
    caused the war. A is incorrect because the pas-
    sage does not offer an argument or an opinion
    about the reasons Germany started the war. C is
    incorrect because the meaning of betrayed in the
    passage is “unwittingly revealed” and refers to
    Germany’s intentions, not the outcome of the
    war. D is incorrect because the phrase ultimate
    framework refers to the German “race,” not to
    modern warfare.

  2. C. The date locates the passage in the eighteenth
    century (the century of the Enlightenment),
    the phrase law of nature is a key phrase from
    the Enlightenment, and Voltaire is a famous
    Enlightenment philosophe. A is incorrect because
    the Scientific Revolution was a seventeenth-cen-
    tury phenomenon, and because Voltaire is asso-
    ciated with the Enlightenment. B is incorrect
    because the Reformation is a sixteenth-century
    phenomenon, and because Voltaire is associated
    with the Enlightenment. D is incorrect because
    the Romantic Movement is an eighteenth-cen-
    tury phenomenon, and because Voltaire is asso-
    ciated with the Enlightenment.

  3. B. Voltaire is known to be an Enlightenment
    philosophe, and the quotation asserts the neces-
    sity of tolerance. A is incorrect because, although
    it criticizes the behavior of Christians, it says
    nothing about Voltaire’s religious beliefs (or lack
    thereof ). C is incorrect because the quotation
    asserts that the imperfection of men is a natural
    law; it does not say that tolerance violates the
    laws of nature. D is incorrect because, although
    the quotation is from a letter praising English
    society, it does not say that tolerance is uniquely

  4. C. The passage indicates that German public
    opinion on the existence of a unique German
    path in history shifted in 1945 and has shifted
    again “today” (when Winkler was writing in
    2006); all of that indicates a long-standing debate.
    A is incorrect because the passage indicates that

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