5 Steps to a 5TM AP European History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

(^264) › STEP 5. Build Your Test-Taking Confidence
AP European History Practice Test 2
Section I, Part B
(Short-Answer Questions)
40 minutes
Directions: The short-answer section consists of three questions to be answered in 40 minutes. Briefly answer
ALL PARTS of the following questions. Be sure to write in complete sentences; outlines, phrases, and
bullets will not be accepted.

  1. a) Identify ONE change in agricultural practices during the seventeenth century that contributed to the
    Industrial Revolution, and explain how it contributed to the Industrial Revolution.
    b) Describe ONE social problem caused by the growing urbanization.
    c) Explain ONE way in which governments tried to address the social problem.
    Answer all parts of the question that follows.

  2. a) Identify ONE factor that contributed to the New Imperialism in the late nineteenth and early twentieth
    centuries, and explain how it contributed to the New Imperialism.
    b) Identify and describe TWO ways in which indigenous populations resisted or attempted to resist
    Western European imperialism during this period.
    Answer all parts of the question that follows.

  3. a) Briefly explain TWO effects that the development of separate sphere ideology had on women in the
    nineteenth century.
    b) Briefly explain ONE reason for the emergence of a separate sphere ideology in the nineteenth century.
    Use the passage below to answer all parts of the question that follows.
    Détente does not and cannot abolish the class struggle. No one can expect that under conditions of détente the
    communists will reconcile themselves to capitalist exploitation or that the monopolists will become revolutionaries.
    Thus the strict observance of the principle of non-interference in the affairs of other states, respect for their inde-
    pendence and sovereignty—this is the indispensable condition for détente.
    We do not hide the fact that we see in détente the road to the creation of more favorable conditions of peaceful
    socialist and communist construction. This only goes to show that socialism and peace are inseparable.
    Leonid Brezhnev, excerpts from a speech at the CPSU Congress, February 29, 1976


a) Briefly explain ONE reason why the passage can be identified with developments in the Cold War.
b) Briefly describe TWO factors that explain Brezhnev’s willingness to enter into détente with the United
States during this period.

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