5 Steps to a 5TM AP European History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

(^266) › STEP 5. Build Your Test-Taking Confidence
Document 3
Source: William Ewart Gladstone, “England’s Mission,” 1878
The honour to which the recent British policy is entitled is this: that from the beginning... to the end, the
representatives of England, instead of taking the side of freedom, emancipation, and national progress, took,
in every single point where a practical issue was raised, the side of servitude, of reaction, and of barbarism....
Since [the Tory] accession to office, we have taken to ourselves... the Fiji Islands; the Transvaal Republic,
in the teeth, it is now alleged, of the wishes of more than four-fifths of the enfranchised population; [and]
the island of Cyprus.... [W]e have begun to protrude our military garrisons into our Indian frontier: in
order to warn Russia how justly indignant we shall be if she should take... any corresponding step....
I hold that to... overlook the proportions between our resources and our obligations, and above all to
claim anything more than equality of rights in the moral and political intercourse of the world is not the
way to make England great, but to make it morally and materially little.
Document 4
Source: John G. Paton, “Letter on New Hebrides Mission,” 1883
For the following reasons we think the British government ought now to take possession of the New
Hebrides group of the South Sea islands, of the Solomon group, and of all the intervening chain of islands
from Fiji to New Guinea:

  1. Because she has already taken possession of Fiji in the east, and we hope it will soon be known authori-
    tatively that she has taken possession of New Guinea at the northwest, adjoining her Australian possessions,
    and the islands between complete this chain of islands lying along the Australian coast.

  2. The sympathy of the New Hebrides natives are all with Great Britain, hence they long for British pro-
    tection, while they fear and hate the French, who appear eager to annex the group, because they have seen
    the way the French have treated the native races in New Caledonia, the Loyalty Islands, and other South
    Sea islands.

  3. All the men and all the money used in civilizing and Christianizing the New Hebrides have been British.
    Now fourteen missionaries and the Dayspring mission ship, and about 150 native evangelists and teachers
    are employed in the above work on this group, in which over £6000 yearly of British and British-colonial
    money is expended; and certainly it would be unwise to let any other power now take possession and reap
    the fruits of all this British outlay.

Document 5

Source: Jules François Camille Ferry, “Speech before the French Chamber of Deputies,” 1884
The policy of colonial expansion is a political and economic system... that can be connected to three sets
of ideas: economic ideas; the most far-reaching ideas of civilization; and ideas of a political and patriotic sort.
In the area of economics, I am placing before you, with the support of some statistics, the considerations
that justify the policy of colonial expansion, as seen from the perspective of a need, felt more and more urgently
by the industrialized population of Europe and especially the people of our rich and hardworking country of
France: the need for outlets [exports]....
Gentlemen, we must speak more loudly and more honestly! We must say openly that indeed the higher
races have a right over the lower races.... I repeat, that the superior races have a right because they have a
duty. They have the duty to civilize the inferior races....
I say that French colonial policy, the policy of colonial expansion, the policy that has taken us under the Empire
[Napoleon III’s Second Empire], to Saigon, to Indochina, that has led us to Tunisia, to Madagascar—I say that
this policy of colonial expansion was inspired by... the fact that a navy such as ours cannot do without safe
harbors, defenses, supply centers on the high seas.

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