5 Steps to a 5TM AP European History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Answers and Explanations for AP European History Practice Test 2

Section I, Part A: Multiple-Choice


  1. D. The passage refers to forms of corruption
    when it states that the Act would firmly estab-
    lish the king’s “power and authority... to visit,
    repress, redress, record, order, correct, restrain,
    and amend all such errors, heresies, abuses,
    offenses” in the realm. A is incorrect because the
    passage states that the king is already “justly and
    rightfully... the supreme head of the Church of
    England,” and that the purpose of the Act is “for
    corroboration and confirmation” of that fact. B
    is incorrect because the passage clearly states that
    the position of head of the Church of England
    is established for both Henry VIII and “his heirs
    and successors, kings of this realm.” C is incor-
    rect because the passage makes no reference to
    Calvinist theology and because the Church of
    England under Henry VIII did not espouse a
    Calvinist theology.

  2. A. The passage is evidence of a monarch, with
    the aid of his Parliament, consolidating his power
    at the expense of the Church and its clergy. B is
    incorrect because the passage indicates that the Act
    is establishing power in the English monarchy at
    the expense of the Catholic Church. C is incorrect
    because the passage does not refer to any increase
    in piety on the part of the nobility. D is incorrect
    because the passage does not refer to any increase
    in religiosity on the part of the masses.

  3. B. The passage states that the Act establishes
    Henry VIII’s right to “have and enjoy... all
    ... profits, and commodities... of the same
    Church,” which went a long way toward solving
    his financial difficulties. A is incorrect because
    the passage makes no mention of preventing
    the spread of Protestantism and was, by estab-
    lishing the Church of England’s independence
    from Rome, advancing the Protestant cause
    in England. C is incorrect because the passage
    makes no mention of legitimizing an heir and
    because Henry VIII had no male heir in 1534.
    D is incorrect because the passage makes no

mention of an alliance with the Holy Roman

  1. C. The author boasts of the monetary value of
    the goods (“nine thousand ducats in cash”) pro-
    duced on the estates of Florence. A is incorrect
    because the passage does not mention the size of
    the estates in Florence. B is incorrect because the
    passage does not mention the number of estates
    owned by any individuals. D is incorrect because
    the passage does not mention gold.

  2. D. The passage refers to the large number of
    exports of wool and silk products. A is incorrect
    because the passage does not refer to banking.
    B is incorrect because the passage indicates that
    the production of agricultural products on the
    estates of Florence is for local consumption. C
    is incorrect because the passage does not refer to
    war and conquest.

  3. C. The passage illustrates the author’s great pride
    in the achievements of his city. A is incorrect
    because the passage does not refer to the mastery
    of military arts. B is incorrect because the passage
    does not refer to the code of chivalry, which was a
    characteristic of medieval culture, not Renaissance
    culture. D is incorrect because, despite the fact that
    patronage of the arts was a Renaissance value, the
    passage does not mention it.

  4. D. The passage argues that perception of motion is
    relative to the observer, and therefore it is possible
    that the Earth is in motion. A and B are incorrect
    because Copernicus’s assertion that the cosmos and
    the Earth are spherical is in agreement with the
    traditional, Aristotelian natural philosophers. C is
    incorrect because Copernicus is suggesting that the
    cosmos might not be geostatic.

  5. A. The argument in the passage rests on observa-
    tion (that the sun and moon are spherical and that
    water droplets are spherical) and an induction (that
    given the preponderance of bodies that are and
    strive to be circular, it is reasonable to conclude that
    the cosmos follows the general rule). B is incorrect
    because the passage makes no reference to ancient
    textual authority. C is incorrect because the passage

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