5 Steps to a 5TM AP European History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Answers and Explanations for AP European History Practice Test 2 (^) ‹ 271

  1. A. The passage expresses the atheist view that
    “men have no need of theology, of revelation,
    or of gods.” B is incorrect because a deist
    theology holds that God is necessary. C and
    D are incorrect because both Protestant and
    Catholic theologies begin with a belief in a
    necessary God.

  2. D. Both the date of the passage and its advocacy
    of atheism locate it in the later, radical phase of
    the Enlightenment. A is incorrect because the
    date of the passage and its atheistic stance show
    that it is not a passage from the later stages of the
    Protestant reformation. B is incorrect because
    the passage offers a critique of religion, not
    political ideas. C is incorrect because the passage
    offers a critique of religion, not an argument for
    the need for an enlightened sovereign.

  3. B. The passage affirms the core Enlightenment
    ideals of reason and freedom of thought by argu-
    ing for a rational critique of religious belief. A is
    incorrect because not all of the Enlightenment’s
    thought on religion and faith was atheistic. C
    is incorrect because the passage does not offer
    rational proof of the existence of God. D is incor-
    rect because the passage is not satirical.

  4. B. The passage indicates that the clergy of
    France are to be elected by the people of France,
    and that these clergy are to “be loyal to the
    nation.” A is incorrect because the passage makes
    no reference to Protestant theological reforms.
    C is incorrect because the passage refers to the
    election of clergy and their loyalty to the nation,
    not their complete abolishment. D is incorrect
    because the passage forbids the French people
    from recognizing clergy appointed by anyone
    foreign to France (which includes the pope) and
    because it commands French clergy to be loyal to
    the nation.

  5. C. The existing archbishops owed their position
    to their contacts in Rome and ultimately to
    the pope. A is incorrect because the document
    expresses the will of the National Assembly that
    the clergy be brought under the auspices of the
    French state. B is incorrect because the docu-
    ment states that, henceforth, the clergy must be
    loyal to “the nation, the law, and the king,” and
    because a large number of the king’s support-
    ers believed the independent power and wealth

of the clergy needed to be curbed and brought
under the authority of the state. D is incorrect
because some simple parish priests sided with
the National Assembly on this issue, believing
that simple people would be given greater atten-
tion and care under a clergy that was elected and
loyal to the French nation.

  1. D. The document proclaimed that, by law, “all
    Frenchmen are in permanent requisition for the
    service of the armies.” A is incorrect because
    the French Republic was proclaimed to exist on
    September 22, 1792, nearly a year prior to the
    publication of the Levée en Masse. B is incorrect
    because the Committee of Public Safety was cre-
    ated in March 1793 by the National Convention
    and then restructured in July 1793; it was the
    Committee of Public Safety that authored the
    Levée en Masse. C is incorrect because France
    had declared war on the Habsburg monarchy
    of Austria on April 20, 1792, and the kingdom
    of Prussia joined the Austrian side a few weeks
    later. The Levée en Masse was a response to the
    needs of France in the face of war with the First
    Coalition, not a declaration of it.

  2. B. The Levée en Masse is a good example of the
    way in which the Committee of Public Safety
    successfully harnessed the human resources of
    the new French Republic; it succeeded in train-
    ing an army of about eight hundred thousand
    soldiers in less than a year, turning the tide of
    the War of the First Coalition in France’s favor.
    A is incorrect because the Levée en Masse does
    not deal with efforts to reform the economy
    of the new French Republic. C is incorrect
    because the Levée en Masse does not deal with
    efforts to reform the religious rituals of the
    Church. D is incorrect because the Levée en
    Masse, and the military success it brought, actu-
    ally increased the popularity of the Committee
    of Public Safety.

  3. D. It can be reasonably argued that the Levée
    en Masse was the first instance in modern
    European warfare where all elements of the
    population and all the reserves of the state
    were committed to a war effort. A is incorrect
    because the Levée en Masse did not introduce
    weaponry produced by large-scale industrializa-
    tion. B is incorrect because the Levée en Masse

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