5 Steps to a 5TM AP European History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

(^272) › STEP 5. Build Your Test-Taking Confidence
did not advocate the total extinction of France’s
enemies. C is incorrect because the War of the
First Coalition continued to be run by French
generals; the Levée en Masse simply increased
the size and improved the training of the sol-
diers available to them.

  1. A. The passage describes the effects on work-
    ers who spun thread in their homes for the
    textile trade as the mode of production shifted
    to more mechanized labor in a mill system.
    B is incorrect because the passage does not
    describe the effects of shifting from agricul-
    tural work to industrial manufacturing. C is
    incorrect because the passage does not discuss
    shifts in the textile markets, but rather in the
    mode of production. D is incorrect because
    the passage does not describe the effects of
    trade unions.

  2. C. The passage indicates that there is an ini-
    tial investment of “A wooden wheel costing 2
    s[hillings] for each person, with one reel costing
    3 s[hillings] set up the family,” while a wife and
    four children could add six or seven shillings a
    week “by their wheels.” A is incorrect because
    the passage does not indicate that spinning
    took very little time. B is incorrect because the
    passage indicates that spinning done by the
    wife and children supplemented the husband/
    father’s income rather than replaced it. D is
    incorrect because the passage indicates that
    spinning as a cottage industry was done by a
    wife and all the household children; it was in
    the mill system that it was done almost exclu-
    sively by girls.

  3. D. The passage indicates the author’s concern
    for the moral effects of taking young girls and
    “herding them together” with unmarried men
    and boys. A is incorrect because the passage does
    not refer to a lack of religious instruction in the
    mills. B is incorrect because the passage does not
    refer to theft on the part of workers. C is incor-
    rect because the women and girls were already
    employed in the spinning trade before the shift
    to the mill system.

  4. B. The passage states Chadwick’s belief that
    “the various forms of epidemic, endemic, and
    other disease [are] caused... by atmospheric

impurities... , by damp and filth, and close and
overcrowded dwellings.” A is incorrect because
the passage does not refer to the diet of the poor.
C is incorrect because the passage does not refer
to the Black Death. D is incorrect because the
passage does not refer to the working conditions
of the poor.

  1. C. Chadwick reported that “the ravages of epi-
    demics and other diseases... tend to increase
    the pressure of population.” A is incorrect
    because Chadwick reported that “the ravages of
    epidemics and other diseases do not diminish
    but tend to increase the pressure of popula-
    tion pressure.” B and D are incorrect because
    Chadwick reported that “the ravages of epidem-
    ics and other diseases... tend to increase the
    pressure of population.”

  2. A. The passage indicates a belief that unsanitary
    living conditions produce a population that
    “is less susceptible of moral influences” and
    therefore “improvident, reckless, and intem-
    perate, and with habitual avidity for sensual
    gratifications.” B is incorrect because the pas-
    sage indicates that unsanitary living conditions
    had the effect of producing a population that
    is “improvident, reckless, and intemperate.” C
    is incorrect because the passage does not exam-
    ine the physical effects of poor sanitation, but
    rather the moral effects. D is incorrect because
    the passage indicates that unsanitary living con-
    ditions produce a population that is “improvi-
    dent, reckless, and intemperate,” not one with
    improved morals.

  3. B. The title (“History of Swing”), the reputed
    authorship (“Kent Rick-Burner”); and the
    burning hayrick in the background all refer to
    the Swing Riots, the widespread uprising by
    agricultural workers in response to the use of
    labor-displacing threshing machines and the
    threatening notes, usually left at the scene of
    the crimes, signed “Captain Swing.” A is incor-
    rect because the images contain no reference to
    the English monarchy. C is incorrect because
    the image contains no references to the July
    Revolution in France. D is incorrect because
    the image contains no references to the Irish
    Potato Famine, and because 1830 is too early
    for such images.

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