5 Steps to a 5TM AP European History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Answers and Explanations for AP European History Practice Test 2 (^) ‹ 273

  1. D. The image depicts a horse-mounted land-
    lord pointing to his burning hayrick and an
    agricultural laborer pointing to his starving
    family because their income has been reduced
    by the use of threshing machines. A is incorrect
    because the image does not depict a factory set-
    ting. B is incorrect because the image does not
    depict a naval setting. C is incorrect because the
    image does not depict any industrial setting or

  2. B. The passage states that “nationality ought
    only to be... a human group called by its
    geographical position, its traditions, and its
    language.” A is incorrect because the passage
    does not argue that a nation must be a kingdom
    or have longstanding borders. C is incorrect
    because the passage does not say that a nation
    is only a nation if its people are strong enough
    to avoid foreign domination. D is incorrect
    because the passage does not argue that a
    nation must be made up of people with a uni-
    fied political ideology.

  3. C. The passage reflects Mazzini’s nationalist
    desire for a united Italy and his romantic
    sense that a united Italy is a “natural” entity
    and a moral imperative of history. A is incor-
    rect because Mazzini’s desire for a new nation
    of Italy goes against mid-nineteenth-century
    nationalists’ emphasis on tradition, stability, and
    legitimacy. B is incorrect because there are no
    expressions of socialist ideas in the passage. D
    is incorrect because there are no expressions of
    either anarchism or socialism in the passage.

  4. D. Bismarck, the conservative chancellor of
    Germany, is portraying his conservative govern-
    ment as the natural caretaker of the nation and
    its working people, in contrast to the Social
    Democrats, whom he depicts as doing the bid-
    ding of bourgeois capitalists and splitting the
    nation by looking to exploit and dominate the
    working classes. A is incorrect because the pas-
    sage does not address constitutionalism, an ide-
    ology born in seventeenth-century Europe. B
    is incorrect because Bismarck is a conservative
    delivering a conservative national message. C
    is incorrect because popular nationalism came
    into being in the first half of the nineteenth
    36. A. Bismarck says that the purpose of govern-
    ment “is to serve the people,” and that as the
    governing party, the conservatives “want to
    serve the people.” In contrast, he depicts the
    Social Democrats as a party whose “mission is
    to lead, to rule.” B is incorrect because Bismarck
    depicts his government as servants of the people,
    not as absolute rulers who should lead with-
    out opposition. C is incorrect because it is the
    Social Democrats whom Bismarck characterizes
    as believing that they are “leaders” who should
    be followed. D is incorrect because Bismarck is
    the leader of the governing party in Germany,
    not the loyal opposition.
    37. D. The passage says that “there are objectives
    that only the state in its totality can fulfill,” and
    that fulfilling them is a “responsibility of the
    state from which the state will not be able to
    withdraw.” A is incorrect because the passage
    states that it “would be madness for a corporate
    body or a collectivity to take charge of those
    objectives that the individual can accomplish.”
    B is incorrect because the passage says that
    “there are objectives that only the state in its
    totality can fulfill,” and that fulfilling them is a
    “responsibility of the state,” not that of private
    individuals. C is incorrect because the passage
    does not say that the state must fulfill any objec-
    tive demanded by the people.
    38. C. The cartoonist depicts Garibaldi as one
    of two men responsible for the unification of
    Italy, allowing one to infer that the cartoonist
    believed Garibaldi to have had a significant, if
    subservient, role in that accomplishment. A and
    B are incorrect because the cartoon offers no
    clues as to whether the cartoonist approved or
    disapproved of Italian unification. D is incor-
    rect because Count Cavour’s absence from the
    cartoon disallows a reliable inference as to his
    39. C. Garibaldi surrendered the southern lands of
    the Italian Peninsula to Victor Emmanuel II on
    the bridge of Teano on October 26, 1860. A
    and B are incorrect because 1848 is well before
    Garibaldi’s campaign in Italy, which occurred
    in 1860. D is incorrect because Garibaldi
    would not have been depicted as aiding Victor
    Emmanuel II until after he surrendered the

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