5 Steps to a 5TM AP European History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

(^274) › STEP 5. Build Your Test-Taking Confidence
southern lands of the Italian Peninsula to him
in October 1860.

  1. A. The cartoon depicts Garibaldi fitting the
    entire boot of Italy onto the leg of King Victor
    Emmanuel II, allowing the inference that the
    cartoonist viewed the unification of Italy as
    progressing. B is incorrect because fitting the
    entire boot suggests that the cartoonist viewed the
    unification of Italy as progressing, not doubt-
    ful. C and D are incorrect because nothing in
    the cartoon allows an inference as to whether the
    cartoonist viewed the unification of Italy as either
    a positive or negative development.

  2. B. The telegram represents Germany’s response,
    as a fellow member of the Triple Alliance, to
    Austria-Hungary concerning the scope of action
    open to them in dealing with the Balkan situa-
    tion, which came to a head with the assassina-
    tion of Crown Prince Franz Ferdinand on June
    28, 1914. A is incorrect because the telegram
    was not sent during the process of German uni-
    fication, which occurred from roughly 1866 to
    1871. C is incorrect because the telegram was
    not sent during Germany’s rearmament in viola-
    tion of the Treaty of Paris, which occurred in the
    1930s. D is incorrect because the telegram was
    not sent during 1882 when the Triple Alliance
    was created.

  3. B. Bethmann-Hollweg’s telegram is often referred
    to as Germany’s “blank check” because it was
    understood to give Austria an unlimited scope of
    response to the assassination of Franz Ferdinand,
    to Serbia, and Pan-Slavism within the Austro-
    Hungarian Empire. A is incorrect because the tel-
    egram did not pledge Germany to join the Triple
    Alliance, which was previously created in 1882.
    C is incorrect because Franz Joseph was already
    emperor of Austria-Hungary; Franz Ferdinand
    had been his heir. D is incorrect because the tel-
    egram was understood to give Austria an unlim-
    ited scope of response.

  4. D. The passage discusses social changes that
    were occurring during World War I, which
    broke out in 1914 and would continue to rage
    until 1918. A is incorrect because the essay was
    written in 1916, and World War II did not begin
    until 1939. B is incorrect because World War I

had only been going on for two years in 1916. C
is incorrect because the so-called Inter-War Years
were between 1918 and 1939.

  1. C. The passage states that “[b]ecause it will
    obviously be impossible for all to find work
    quickly... there is almost certain to be an outcry
    for... women [to go] ‘Back to the Home!’” A is
    incorrect because the passage says that forcing
    women back into the home would be unjust; it
    does not say that women would never be able to
    adjust. B is incorrect because the passage does
    not refer to an outright revolt of the nation’s
    women. D is incorrect because the passage indi-
    cates that women could be seen as a cheaper
    alternative labor source by some employers; it
    does not say that they would be better paid
    than men.

  2. A. The passage states that “conscienceless
    employers may regard women’s labor as prefer-
    able, owing to its cheapness and its docility.”
    B is incorrect because the passage does not refer
    to women being corrupted by the workplace.
    C is incorrect because the passage does not refer
    to women in the context of military service.
    D is incorrect because the passage does not
    refer to women working alongside men.

  3. A. The Bolshevik government of Russia agreed
    to the punitive nature of the treaty with
    Germany and its allies because Russia needed
    to end the war effort to consolidate its revo-
    lutionary gains. B is incorrect because the
    treaty was not a result of corruption or of
    collaboration between Bolsheviks and Russian
    business interests. C is incorrect because the
    dissolution of the Triple Entente alliance of
    Britain, France, and Russia was a result of the
    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. D is incorrect because
    French and British aid being given to the
    so-called White Russians who opposed the
    Bolshevik government resulted from the Treaty
    of Brest-Litovsk.

  4. C. In Article III of the treaty, Russia surren-
    dered the western part of its empire (Poland,
    Ukraine, Finland, and the Baltic Provinces) to
    Germany. A and B are incorrect because, in
    Article III of the treaty, Russia ceded territory to
    the German Empire, not the other way around.

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