5 Steps to a 5TM AP European History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Answers and Explanations for AP European History Practice Test 2 (^) ‹ 275
C is incorrect because, in Article III of the
treaty, Russia surrendered the eastern part of its
empire (Poland, Ukraine, Finland, and the Baltic
Provinces) to Germany.

  1. C. The passage indicates that Morris had dedi-
    cated himself to his “hope of [modern civiliza-
    tion’s] destruction” and “its supplanting by
    Socialism.” A is incorrect because the passage
    does not refer to a dedication to the spread of
    mechanical power in industry. B is incorrect
    because the passage does not refer to transform-
    ing Britain into a commonwealth. D is incorrect
    because the passage does not refer to the spread
    of liberal democracy.

  2. A. The passage indicates that Morris turned to
    socialism because he was deeply disturbed by
    modern civilization’s “waste of mechanical power”
    and “its stupendous organization—for the misery
    of life!” B is incorrect because the passage makes
    no reference to Marx’s arguments. C is incorrect
    because the passage indicates that Morris thought
    it was the past “struggles of mankind,” not social-
    ism, that had produced “nothing but this sordid,
    aimless, ugly confusion.” D is incorrect because
    the passage indicates that his “deep love of the
    earth and the life on it” was one reason that he
    chose to embrace socialism, not reject it.

  3. D. The passage calls for the removal by force
    of Alexander Kerensky’s provisional govern-
    ment, which was the initial act of the October
    Revolution in Russia in 1917. A is incorrect
    because Russia had entered World War I in 1914.
    B is incorrect because the February Revolution
    in Russia led to the establishment of Kerensky’s
    provisional government, not its fall from power.
    C is incorrect because Russia withdrew from
    World War I only after Lenin’s Bolsheviks had
    replaced Kerensky’s provisional government.

  4. C. The passage asserts that the Bolsheviks had to
    seize power immediately from Kerensky and the
    provisional government. A is incorrect because
    the passage makes no reference to a new military
    offensive. B is incorrect because the passage asserts
    that the Bolsheviks had to seize power immedi-
    ately from Kerensky and the provisional govern-
    ment, not that Kerensky had to move against the
    Bolsheviks. D is incorrect because the passage

makes no reference to military rule and because
the concept of military rule was antithetical to
Lenin’s political beliefs.

  1. C. The passage asserts that life has a physical
    basis; that is, it possesses “no properties but
    those of ordinary matter.” A is incorrect because
    the passage states that “the conception of life as
    a something which works through matter” is a
    commonly held but incorrect view. B is incorrect
    because the passage makes no reference to life as
    a philosophical notion. D is incorrect because
    the passage asserts that life has a “physical basis,”
    not a supernatural one.

  2. B. Huxley’s view that life has a physical (that is, a
    material) basis is representative of the nineteenth-
    century ideology of materialism, which held
    that nothing exists except matter. A is incorrect
    because the passage does not represent the nine-
    teenth-century ideology of anarchism, a politi-
    cal ideology that advocated stateless societies.
    C is incorrect because the passage also does not
    represent conservatism, a political ideology that
    advocated respect for tradition in the face of exter-
    nal forces for change. D is incorrect because the
    passage does not represent romanticism, which
    urged the cultivation of sentiment and emotion
    by reconnecting with nature and the past.

  3. B. Weisel asserts that his German audience was
    “responsible, not for the past, but for the way it
    remembers the past.” A is incorrect because the
    passage indicates that Weisel “never believed in
    collective guilt.” C is incorrect because in the pas-
    sage Weisel asserts that his German audience was
    not responsible for the past. D is incorrect because
    Weisel asserts that his German audience was
    responsible “for the way it remembers the past.”

  4. A. The passage asserts that remembering the
    Holocaust is necessary for “coming to terms”
    with and finding “redemption” for Germany’s
    past. B is incorrect because the passage inti-
    mates that remembering the Holocaust would
    promote healing among the German people,
    not hinder it. C is incorrect because the passage
    does not assert that remembering the Holocaust
    could ensure that it never happened again. D is
    incorrect, because the passage does not mention
    Jewish forgiveness of the German people.

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