5 Steps to a 5TM AP European History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


•   http://www.abebooks.com/books/features/50-essential-historical-fiction-books.shtml
This site contains brief annotations of novels (primarily); the comments that follow have
suggestions of other possibilities.
• http://www.historicalnovels.info
This site is enormous and a tad overwhelming, citing more than 5,000 works. It is
broken down by era.
• https://www.theguardian.com/culture/gallery/2012/may/13/ten-best-historical-novels
This site focuses on ten novels. It’s annotated.


For general information about art, see the book by John Berger, Ways of Seeing. This is an
art history “text,” but very short. It will help you with how to analyze and interpret art and
how to put it into historical context.
To understand art as propaganda, check out war recruiting and general patriotic post-
ers. See the book by J. Darracott and B. Loftus, First World War Posters.
An alternative would be to search the Web for “propaganda WWI posters” and “propa-
ganda WWII posters.”

•   http://arthistoryresources.net/ARTHLinks.html
The most complete site available, produced by Christopher L. C. E. Witcombe.
• https://smarthistoryblog.org
This amazing site offers evaluations of artworks. It has a YouTube channel as well. It’s
best used to search for specific works, artists, and eras.


•   https://europeisnotdead.com/video/movies-of-europe/european-historical-movies/
The focus is on twentieth-century Europe and its wars.


There are three sites that start with the Billy Joel song “We Didn’t Start the Fire.” They flash
names and events across the screen. They are useful for finding out what you need to know.
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Swt1Vc0Lc00

General Websites


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